Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 26 fra>eng Retraite financement paritarisme jointly union-funded, occupational pension contribution pro open no
- Apr 11 esl>eng perseguición dunning pro just_closed no
- Apr 2 fra>eng norme supérieure est commune avec overarching standard is convergent with pro closed no
1 Feb 25 ita>eng ass figures assigned pro closed no
- Feb 25 ita>eng rischi per c. passive/altri voci contingency fund for emoluments (fees) payable / other headings pro just_closed no
- Jan 29 fra>eng Créance envers une société proche amount due / owed to a related undertaking (entity = company or partnership) pro just_closed no
NP Jan 5 heb>eng הן מעבר ראלי such {figures} are unrealistic pro open no
4 Dec 26 '23 dan>eng Kapitalandele vs kapitalinteresser trade & equity investment vs. equity interest pro closed ok
4 Nov 23 '23 fra>eng franchise en base underlying exemption pro closed no
- Nov 20 '23 esl>eng Pequeño Contribuyente Eventual small-scale, personal secondary-trade taxpayer pro closed no
- Nov 20 '23 fra>eng Allègements employer's (FRE) reduced -> (NC) staggered-payment -> soc. sec./nat. ins. contributions pro open no
- Nov 19 '23 fra>eng Réintegration fiscale excess tax clawback (Can. for non-exempt medical charges) pro open no
- Sep 26 '23 deu>eng Auszahlung Stunden AZK/ASK hours paid out ('drawn down') Roster timesheet/actual hours worked a/c pro open no
- Sep 12 '23 dan>eng Amortiseringer write-downs of / writing-down allowances on or for (intangible rights) pro closed no
- Aug 21 '23 esl>eng obtener soporte de los cobros obtain corroboration of the recoveries pro closed ok
4 Aug 16 '23 esl>eng activos por impuesto diferido por límite deducibilidad de amortización deferred tax assets as a result of the (capital) writing-down allowance limit pro closed ok
- Aug 4 '23 deu>eng Ertragslage general level of profitability & earnings pro closed ok
- Sep 9 '07 esl>eng Cuota integra / Cuota liquida / Cuota diferencial Gross tax liability / Net tax liability / (UK) balancing allowance> receivable or charge > payable pro closed no
4 Jul 29 '23 por>eng Movimentação do Rebanho Movement in Livestock (Holding) pro closed no
2 Jul 27 '23 deu>eng Sonstiges Ergebnis Miscellaneous Earnings (Item) pro closed ok
- Jul 10 '23 ita>eng data carica erede date of heirship (operative date of death) pro just_closed no
- May 29 '23 fra>eng le résultat financier est déficitaire (investment) earnings are negative ('have gone into the red', showing a shortfall) pro closed no
3 May 12 '23 eng>deu Acknowledgement of Dispute (zur) Kenntnisnahme einer Reklamation pro closed no
- May 8 '23 nor>eng enkeltforføyning single injunction (Scots law: interdict) individual proceedings against the debtor pro open no
- May 5 '23 esl>eng exonerado tax-free; relieved (within a tax threshold limit) pro closed no
- May 1 '23 ita>eng Bilancio a sezioni contrapposte parallel-accounting, split-section statement pro closed no
4 Mar 25 '23 heb>eng תגמול על תקרה tax-free pay limit (UK:) remuneration-threshold tax allowance pro closed no
- Mar 21 '23 ron>eng minus in gestiune stock shortfall pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '23 por>eng contas refletidas shadow accounting pro open no
- Feb 15 '23 por>eng fruição de prazo reaching of the deadline for payment (in the case of suppliers vs. term date of Lease) pro closed no
- Jan 9 '23 ita>eng Contabilizzazione posting to account easy closed no
- Jan 8 '23 por>eng especializações accrual-basis split pro closed no
- Nov 19 '22 deu>eng sich überleiten transfer(r)able /apportionable/ to pro closed no
- Nov 8 '22 esl>eng pasivos financieros propios adquiridos direct 'personal' financial liabilities assumed pro closed no
- Nov 4 '22 dan>eng Mellemværende vedrørende handelsafvikling interim balance/s due on dealings in progress pro closed ok
- Oct 11 '22 ita>eng danni diretti non-consequential loss or damage pro closed no
- Oct 8 '22 esl>eng Cartera y eficacia recaudatoria case of assessment and effective tax mop-up pro closed ok
- Oct 5 '22 deu>eng Substanzdividende capitalis/zed dividend pro closed ok
4 Sep 24 '22 ita>eng cessione rotativa del magazzino warehouse stock rotation pro closed no
- Sep 24 '22 ita>eng componimenti amichevoli e liberatori full and final settlement/s out-of-court pro closed no
- Sep 23 '22 ita>eng domande di concordato preventivo composition scheme application/s; (UK) petition/s for an arrangement with creditors pro closed ok
4 Sep 17 '22 heb>eng עובדים ומוסדות בגין שכר salaried employees & institutional payroll providers (outsourced payroll service organisations) pro closed no
- Sep 8 '22 deu>eng Der Betrag resultiert in voller Höhe aus Ergebnisvereinnahmungen. The amount (shown) is an aggregate figure for consolidated earnings received pro open no
- Aug 4 '22 ita>eng Pace contributiva contributions-shortfall catch-up payment pro closed ok
4 Aug 5 '22 por>eng ESTORNO PROV. DIV. DESC release (reversal) of miscellaneous, discounted provisions pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '22 esl>eng devenga una cuota anual earns an annual instal(l)ment payment pro closed ok
- Jul 28 '22 esl>eng dar de baja instalaciones to retire plant & equipment > an item of plant pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '22 esl>eng cubierta por algún instrumento de contratación covered by any procurement instrument pro closed ok
4 Jul 7 '22 por>eng julgado year of the judg(e)ment; year of adjudication pro closed ok
- Jul 1 '22 esl>eng Recuperabilidad de las Bases imponibles activadas Recoupability of capitalis/zed Tax Base carry-over, carry-across or carry-back reliefs pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered