Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 26 '17 eng>ita I want the book to say that Nel libro si deve dire chiaramente che io ero lì easy closed ok
- Aug 1 '15 eng>ita Keep guard Sarai il suo angelo custode pro closed ok
- Jul 30 '15 eng>ita It’s not in my concept Non è così che faccio teatro pro closed no
- Jul 30 '15 eng>ita finds the dress “heavy” trova l'abito un po' troppo pesante easy closed no
- Jul 27 '15 eng>ita have had a wonderful performance la messa in scena/performance è stata un successo easy closed no
4 Jul 25 '15 eng>ita they’re not here on the flight with you. se non hanno preso questo aereo easy closed no
- Jul 25 '15 eng>ita Did anyone give you anything to take with you? Qualcuno le/ti ha consegnato qualcosa... pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '15 eng>ita local community center circolo ricreativo pro closed no
- Jul 21 '15 eng>ita It drives me nuts that everyone thinks (Ma) è da matti/pazzi che tutti siano convinti pro closed ok
4 Jul 21 '15 eng>ita any other person going abroad. come tutti gli altri passeggeri! pro closed no
4 Jul 21 '15 eng>ita Packed alone? Ha preparato lei la valigia/le valigie? pro closed no
4 Jul 21 '15 eng>ita ‘production’… showbiz Stanno seguendo un'altra produzione... un altro spettacolo. pro closed no
- Feb 1 '15 eng>ita He nodded really deeply Chinava la testa così tanto pro closed no
- Jan 27 '15 eng>ita to run a normal household che la vita/routine familiare scorra come al solito - il solito tran tran pro closed ok
4 Jan 27 '15 eng>ita bachelor household famiglia tutta al maschile pro closed no
- May 20 '14 eng>ita fading memory (e dalla sua) labile memoria pro closed no
- May 17 '14 eng>ita I worry that I might be spitting Mi preoccupo di poter sputacchiare pro closed no
4 May 15 '14 eng>ita this mysterious mission type thing I'm on. questa specie di missione che sto svolgendo pro closed no
- Mar 11 '14 eng>ita They get the life sucked right out of them Viene svuotata/Si svuota pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '14 eng>ita It's grown on me Ormai fa parte di me pro closed no
- Mar 9 '14 eng>ita she lets it get to her si fa schiacciare pro closed ok
- Mar 7 '14 eng>ita I did care Eccome se mi importava! easy closed ok
- Mar 7 '14 eng>ita didn't give a damn about me. non è mai importato niente/nulla di me easy closed no
- Feb 17 '14 eng>ita You're darned tootin' I will Eccome se lo farò! pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '14 eng>ita Not as long as I have anything to say C'è qualcosa che devi sapere easy closed no
- Feb 14 '14 eng>ita if you've got your mind set on it Ma se è quello che vuoi pro closed no
- Feb 7 '14 eng>ita What's to like? Perché? Mi dovrebbe piacere? easy closed ok
- Feb 6 '14 eng>ita you're over-achieving sali di livello pro closed no
- Feb 3 '14 eng>ita I don't have much of a story Non c'è molto/granché da dire pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '13 eng>ita cannot derail the truth non può distorcere la verità easy closed no
- Nov 10 '13 eng>ita You are indeed Eccome! easy closed no
4 Oct 17 '13 eng>ita she couldn't carry a tune in a bucket Non azzeccava una nota easy closed no
- Oct 11 '13 eng>ita I'll pour you a nightcap le servirò/servo il bicchiere della staffa easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered