The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Spanish Botany Translation Glossary

English term Spanish translation
Monkey puzzle araucaria imbricada/araucaria espinuda/pino de Chile
Entered by: Mariana Moreira
moon sugar azucar lunar
morodicine momordicina
mounding plant planta cubre terreno/cubierta vegetal
Mountain Brush matorral montañoso
Mounting orchid orquídea trepadora
mouse-ear oreja de ratón (mouse-ear)
Entered by: Yaotl Altan
mulch mantillo
mulch bed lecho de pajote
mung beans ,chickpeas , china red peas and black skin sunflower frijol/semilla oriental, garbanzos, frijol chino rojo y girasol negro
murumuru murumuru
natural bait (talking about the scent that emit flowers to attract insects atrayente natural (hablando del aroma que emiten las flores para atraer insectos)
natural or false crotch horcaduras naturales o falsas
natural-based fertilizer fertilizante natural
near-isolines isolíneas vecinas/proximales/cercanas
nectaries nectarios en las hojas
needled acicular
needleleaf forest bosque de coníferas
neem (the tree) árbol del neem, margosa
nightcap poppy amapola de California
Nito vine Nito
nod numbers número de nódulos
non-limiting no limitante
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
nose and cup fragancia y cuerpo
Novel Chemical Class novedosa clase química
nurse log tronco nodriza
nursery mat estera para vivero
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
off-bloom limones de/tipo flor loca
Entered by: Francisco Herrerias
open spruce parkland Depende de ti. Para mi
organosulfur organosulfurado
Other markings were more variable within a population but could still be used... Ver...
ougon and jioh ougon (escutelaria) y jioh
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
outpost de avanzada
overplant cubrir con plantas/follaje/perennes
paddlestones piedras naturales
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
palate sabor (in this context)
pales weevil (Hylobius pales) gorgojo pálido
Entered by: Viviana Paddrik
Palm fronds ramas/hojas de palmera
Palmetto Rake rastrillo de palma
pappi vilanos
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