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Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A text about amending the condominium building regulations for co-owners and prospective owners. The changes involve maintenance and refurbishment so they are easy and fair ,

a community of co-owners has to be easy and fair to function well, governs the rights and obligations of co-owners, current regulation models such as the Swiss Association of land owners, recommendations concerning condominium building block regulations


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3 users

  • French to English
  • 4500 words
  • Real Estate
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A contract for someone who bought a flat in a building block which still has to be built so the text contains a lot of building terms apart from who can access the site, who is responsible for what, who is to pay what and any inv=creases for delay in construction, what works need to be done. Interesting stuff though.

the representative will have all powers unless their scope will have been communicated in writing to the contractor, is to clearly state in writing the legal relationships between the contractor and the contracting party, in case of contradictions between several documents the one with latest date will over-ride, in case work has to stop for the following reasons the deadline will be prolonged by the duration of the interruption


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3 users

  • French to English
  • 8000 words
  • Law: Contract(s)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Text about payment for leave during Coronavirus pandemic, why employees who tested positive should stay away from workplace, and what structures are in place for payment for many types of employees-part-timers, self-employed

Pagament tal-leave tad-diżastru pandemiku, jekk ittestjajt pożitiv jew qrib xi ħadd, dan biex jgħin lil sħabek tax-xogħol u l-komunità jibqgħu sikuri, jekk tibqa' d-dar u ser titlef id-dħul tiegħek, jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet tista' ċċempel


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 500 words
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Court decree about a maritime vessel that exceeded the 10 metre length and how a claim was accepted by the court and the Deputy Registrar's notice to the parties concerned

First Hall, Civil Court, Deputy Registrar, arrest warrant, exceeding 10 metres in length


I Do That

  • Maltese to English
  • 3000 words
  • Law (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Instructions on using a software programme

sors tal-enerġija tal-apparat, kejbil numru wieħed mhux imqabbad mal-apparat, poġġi dan ir-riżultat bħala punt ta' referenza, uża biss numri u ittri fl-14-il karattru, issaħħaħ is-sigurtà u hija meħtieġa meta tesporta d-data


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2400 words
  • Computers: Systems, Networks, IT (Information Technology)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Clothes care, how to wash, iron, tumble dry, general instructions and instructions for special materials

issaħħanx iżżejjed, ħadida tal-mogħdija sħuna moderata, nixxef ċatt mhux imġebbed, aħsel bil-maqlub ġewwa barra, daqqa ta' ħadida ħafifa


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 500 words
  • Other, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Text about how little Italians save and that they invest without seeking advice from an intermediary, how intermediary often have conflict of interest when offering advice and why and how author proposes to change the system and what helps and what incentives he is suggesting. interesting perspective

What has been missing is a serious debate on Italian households', Italy has a low participation rate in managed savings when compared to other European countries, remove capital gains taxation on investment with holding periods longer than 3 years, the excessive dispersion of competences among regulators does not make the system particularly efficient, a structural asymmetry between intermediaries and clients due to lack of financial knowledge


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 4860 words
  • Finance (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Text about how little Italians save and that they invest without seeking advice from an intermediary, how intermediaries often have conflicts of interest when offering advice and why and how the author proposes to change the system and what helps and what incentives he is suggesting. interesting perspective

Favorire periodi di investimenti più lunghi e penalizzare strategie di trading e investimenti di periodo breve, Richiedere al intermediario una rendicontazione verso i clienti e verso i regolatori dei veri rischi del portafoglio, L'Italia ha la percentuale più bassa di adulti 'financially literate' tra le principali economie mondiali, Partendo dall'analisi di composizione dei portafogli e basandoci sull'esperienza diretta di molti intermediari possiamo classificare i portafogli in 4 categorie ben distinte, L'eccessiva dispersione di competenze tra gli regolatori che regolano lo stesso prodotto non rende il sistema particolarmente efficiente


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 4860 words
  • Finance (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A travel brochure which is more like a diary with lovely set-out for young travelers so they keep a record of their experiences. The diary has pictures which owners will then fill in and includes suggestions about sites worth visiting and practical hints but is not at all dictatorial as it makes users thing and consider, calculate.

Qed tipprova tippratika l-ħiliet lingwistiċi tiegħek? Ipprova l-Isvediż għax hu l-eqdem lingwa fl-Ewropa, l-ivvjaġġar hu aktar minn sempliċement timxi mat-toroq tal-belt għax trid ittiehem, Għinna nsiru nafu l-post fejn qiegħed bħalissa billi tgħidilna liema hu l-aktar bini antik u ħudlu ritratt u ippowstjah fuq Instagram, Tmut għal xi ħaġa ħelwa? Malta famuża għall-għasel u hu proprju minħabba fih li ħadet isimha, Issa li ilna ġimagħtejn nivvjaġġaw ta' min jagħti ħarsa lejn il-baġit ħalli ma nispiċċawx f'xi gwaj


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 3000 words
  • Tourism & Travel
  • Studio Trados
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Safety instructions concerning Relay @ Plus Thoracic Stent-graft(s), that it is safe to use and does not provide additional risks if used by adhering to safety precautions. Can also be used by patients going for MRIs

Pazjent bl-istent-graft jista' jkun soġġett għal proċedura tal-MRI b'mod sikur bl-użu tas-sistema MR b'kamp manjetiku statiku ta' 3-Tesla jew inqas, għalhekk m'hemm ebda riskju addizzjonali ta' moviment jew qlugħ, l-apparat mhux mistenni joħloq riskju jew periklu addizzjonali għal pazjent taħt il-kundizzjonijiet użati għall-ittestjar, Informazzjoni dwar is-sikurezza tal-proċeduri b'immaġni b'reżonanza manjetika, użu ta' sistemi MR b'kampi manjetiċi statiċi


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 500 words
  • Safety
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

User manual for body weight with an app which records a person's weight, body mass, height, how to use the app, which questions must be filled, how results are stored, when storage is full,

ir-reġistrazzjoni tas-suġġett, driegħ sieq lemin xellug pulzier ċentimetru, tista' tagħżel sa massimu ta' 6 biex jidhru fuq l-iskrin tal-kejl, ipplaggja t-tagħmir biex tkompli tużah, ma tistax tbiddel l-ID tas-suġġett ladarba tkun irreġistrajtu


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2100 words
  • Electronics / Elect Eng
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Medical insurance cover and plans including outpatient, dental, surgery, maternity, evacuation, repatriation

outpatient treatment with specialist fees and diagnostic imaging and includes chiropractic, maternity fees include delivery complications and newborn for up to 7 days, dental treatment may be routine and restorative according to plan chosen, applicable to north African countries and French public hospitals, cancer treatment and oncology besides chemotherapy and radiotherapy


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2 users

  • French to English
  • 700 words
  • Insurance
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Coronavirus guide for different countries so the same rules apply. Information includes what it is, who is likely to get it, what to do to prevent the spread, who to contact and when, the symptoms, if testing and treatment is free or if citizenship is checked before

Tista' tħalli d-dar biss biex tixtri n-neċessitajiet bażiċi u mediċina, jekk ma ssegwix din il-gwida tista' teħel multa, kundizzjoni severa tal-pulmun jew tal-qalb jew fibrożi ċistika jew ażma severa, nies li kellhom xi tip ta' trattament għal kanċer jew għandhom kanċer tad-demm jew tal-mudullum tal-għadam, ġemgħat ta' iktar minn żewġ persuni fil-pubbliku huma ipprojbiti


1 userI Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2100 words
  • Medical (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Company's articles of association as document needed to establish themselves in another country

a limited liability company with registered head office in X has been constituted, the company can allso carry out any activity which is directly or indirectly linked with its objectives, if the board of directors is made up of several members it appoints its own chairman and secretary, The board of directors can delegate all or part of its administrative tasks to another member or third part, Publications and communications to shareholders are made in the Swiss Official Commercial Gazette


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1 user

  • French to English
  • 2000 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A text about a brand of cradles and how these help parents feel secure, types, how these differ, how to use, take care, how they notify parents if baby has woken up or is crying, how they help baby sleep because of the gentle rocking.

Dawl abjad binhar aħmar billejl, jgħin l-arloġġ bijoloġiku għal dak li jsejjħulu ritmu ċikardjan, dan jikkontribwixxi fost affarijiet oħra għall-produzzjoni tan-newroħormon melatonin, teknoloġija tal-aħħar biex inkunu konformi mal-istandards stretti Ewropej


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 1200 words
  • Marketing / Market Research
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Text dealing with present situation due to Coronavirus and memo to workers by company

meta x-xogħol ikun iebes min hu b'saħħtu jimxi, il-kumpanija nbmiet f'ambjent ostili u kompettitiv, sitwazzjoni fluwida u nkomplu naġġornawkom, resqu u offrew jagħmlu xogħolijiet differenti mill-funzjonijiet tagħhom tas-soltu


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 1000 words
  • Marketing / Market Research
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A task involving safety instructions when using a certain product having a chemical for domestic animals and also their baskets

infestazzjoni kontinwa, evita li jkun hemm reżistenza, ħalli tevita skariki fis-sitema tad-drenaġġ, jekk ikun hemm sinjali ta' avvelenament, sib veterinarju fil-pront


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 3000 words
  • Safety
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A transcription job about climbers who accessed Everest and put the Maltese flag there, the challenge, what led to this feat, the weather which is a deciding factor, the glacier that serves as runway and self-sufficiency as they are left there for three whole weeks and they have to fend with their equipment, the extreme cold, the food.

bażikament ma kontx eżatt, il-bandiera Maltija perpret fuq il-quċċata, iddiskrivew din l-avventura bħala esperjenza unika, kienet suċċess kemm fuq livell ta' pajjiż


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Transcribing a radio programme about the budget with different viewpoints from the shadow minister for finance and the general public so different viewpoints


I Do That

Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Text on Christian monthly newsletter

Preżenza divina tiegħu, rajt l-glorja t'Alla tant qawwija, kliem profetiċi mill-bniedem t'Allalil folla enormi, il-programm beda fuq nota elettrika f'ċerimonja tal-ftuħ ikkulurita


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2400 words
  • Religion
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Subtitle text with time codes-on drugs, use, consumption, cultivation and sale, world statistics, effects of certain drugs, where and what is legal

observatoire Européen, prévalence annuelle, problèmes mentales, dépersonalisation, indicateurs indirectes


I Do That

  • French to English
  • 8000 words
  • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A report on a company's money laundering measures-the deficiencies and breaches and how these are to be rectified. Risk management is crucial to combat and minimise the impact of any cyber-related attacks. Inspections are carried out in collaboration with entities and these focus on IT and cyber security and measures have to be constantly reviewed to protect and upgrade IT systems.

kontrolli kontra l-ħasil tal-flus effettivi u qawwijin, kooperazzjoni iktar mil-qrib bejn l-awtoritajiet, tieħu ħsieb is-superviżjoni diretta kollha, riskji mhux finanzjarji, iridu jkunu ġestit b'mod iktar strinġenti u koerenti


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 3500 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A case involving the small claims procedure-why and how it is used, where it applies, the form and courts involved, that the person may not need to be physically present when the case is heard.

tilwim transkonfinali, proċedura għal talbiet żgħar, din il-proċedura tapplika fejn waħda mill-partijiet tgħix jew hi residenti permanenti ġo xi Stat Membru, mhux kontra xi ħadd li jgħix fl-istess pajjiż


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 3000 words
  • Law (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

An interesting survey from the EU about express delivery service-why a company makes use of such a service, for what, what impact there would be if such a service did not exist.

L-industrija ta' kunsinna b'ħeffa għandha rwol importanti peres li twassal prodotti f'postijiet remoti u iktar malajr, Nittrattaw it-tagħrif bl-akbar mod kunfidenzjali, Jekk jogħġbok agħti tagħrif dwar l-attività tiegħek, Kemm minn dak li tbigħ twassal b'kunsinna b'ħeffa?, X'inhuma r-raġunijiet ewlenin li l-kumpanija tiegħek tuża kunsinna b'ħeffa?


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 1200 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
  • MemSource Cloud
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Undersuit user instructions

Konformi mar-Regolament tal-UE dwar Tagħmir ta' Protezzjoni Personali (PPE), maħsuba li jipprovdu protezzjoni termali, selezzjoni ta' ilbies ta' taħt mhux korretta, jekk jogħġbok dejjem fittex parir minn esperti jekk ma tkunx ċert dwar il-protezzjoni termali li għandek bżonn, Għandek tkun tista' tinżel kokka


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2500 words
  • Other
  • MemSource Cloud
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Health and Safety instructions for a company: general measures for all its branches and specific measures for specific sectors

code of conduct for Suppliers, formulate behavioral standards, System of Governance and internal control and risk management, training activities and testing, support the well being of employees


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 22000 words
  • Safety
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Health and Safety instructions for a company: general measures for all its branches and specific measures for specific sectors

code of conduct for Suppliers, formulate behavioral standards, System of Governance and internal control and risk management, training activities and testing, support the well being of employees


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 22000 words
  • Safety
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Birth certificate, very old format

non parenti ne affini nei gradi che ostano riconoscimento, detto bambino nato fuori dal matrimonio, nato dall'unione dei dichiaranti, il presente atto dopo esser stat letto agli intervenuti, i quali nel loro veste di genitori


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 2400 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
  • MemSource Cloud
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation of company instructions re. orders and their contents (mostly insecticides) with instructions for use with some technical terms

Żomm it-tfal 'il bogħod,insettiċidi għal użu domestiku,sustanza attiva,isem tal-manifattur,lokalità tas-siti tal-manifattura


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 4000 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Handbook for employees of a big gaming company so as to guard against money laundering and funding of terrorism-how money laundering is carried out, its consequences.

riciclaggio di denaro,finanziamento di terrorism,non colposo,versamenti frazionati mediante l'accesione di più conti,dedotte da circostanze di fatto obiettivi


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 34589 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Another GDPR text about Privacy Policy and instructions for users, complaints and dealing with complaints, confidentiality agreement and disclosure of information

utenti awtorizzati,ġbir ta' informazzjoni personali,jirrikordjaw il-preferenzi tiegħek,f'isem klijent korporattiv


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 5000 words
  • General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Articles of Association-General Meetings, how and when called and by whom, role of Directors, Chairman, secretary, scrutineers, minute takers, how appointed,

misura cautelare personale tale da rendere impossibile lo svolgimento delle deleghe,fattaspecie disciplinate in tutto o in parte da ordinamenti esteri,ad eccezione quelli non delegabili


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 4000 words
  • Law: Contract(s)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

General Regulatory Terms for Dealers, Manufacturers, Suppliers of Medial Devices according to EU directives with explicit explanation of terms used

japplikaw għal persuni fiżiċi u persuni ġuridiċi,katina tal-provvista,l-istess obbligazzjoni,prodott li ġie ikkonsenjat hux konformi,is-sens tat-terminu


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2390 words
  • Medical: Instruments
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

GDPR text

irtirar,kampanja pubbliċitarja,politika fuq il-privatezza,identifikatur tal-apparat,dejta teknika tal-utent


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2390 words
  • Marketing / Market Research
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Court case involving 2 companies over quality control sheets which were not handed over and which should have been handed over as this was normal practice

par exploit en date de,sur la nullité de l'acte introductif,ainsi fait et prononcé,les dépens de cette assignation seront mis à la charge de,advenant à l'audience publique


I Do That

1 user

  • French to English
  • 1500 words
  • Law (general)
  • MemSource Cloud
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Proofreading a text on amending a company's Articles of Association

notaio,io notaio ricevuto questo atto,resta intesa che qualunque amministratore in via disgiunta,comparente di cui identità personale io notaio son certo


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 900 words
  • Law: Contract(s)
  • MemSource Cloud
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Safety instructions for when using a buoyancy aid (additional to last week's text) -how to wear, how to take care of the material, how long it lasts and when to buy another, how to store.

ġakketta bla kmiem li żżommok fil-wiċċ,Hemm bżonn tipprattika u titħarreġ kif tuża' dan it-tagħmir qabel tuża',Jekk tuża' dan it-tagħmir għat-tfal,għallimhom jgħumu u jżommu fil-wiċċ qabel


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 350 words
  • Safety
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

QA- continuation of Annual Report for a company which owns a central European airports which will soon celebrate 100 years and it has to have this report for its annual presentation

poursuite du plan d'investissement,optimiser la gestion des risques en automisant les processus,une coordination transversale des opérations,L'aéroport se digitalise


I Do That

  • French to English
  • 3250 words
  • Finance (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Safety instructions for when using a life-jacket and doing water sports-how to wear, how to take care of the material, how long it lasts and when to buy another, how to store.

Twissija,Ġakketta tas-salvataġġ,Tħallix tfal taħt is-6 snin ħdejn,Ktejjeb b'informazzjoni għall-utent,Iċċekkja qabel tuża'


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 2890 words
  • Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
  • MemSource Cloud
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Report on the workings and set-up of the EU-how it was set, why, how it works, the various strategies that help people

bażi komuni konsolidata għat-taxxa korporattiva,Il-Parliament Ewropew,Il-Kunsill,It-Trattat ta' Lisbona,iċ-ċittadini Ewropej


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 33000 words
  • Government / Politics
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Proofreading amendments to Articles of Association and minutes that mention and voting on amendments

déterminer les modalités de liberation des actions,émissions avec ou sans primes,accomplir toutes les formalités,notifications ou demandes réquises


I Do That

  • French to English
  • 7000 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A report on how a certain airport managed to increase traffic without adding to noise levels and how. Inmteresting. Brief overview of airport, how it was modernised so people would be better served while security concerns are still adequately taken care of, which airlines use it and if traffic has increased or decreased, why said airport is so much used, how it expects to increase traffic without adding noise.

rapport annuel,fonds mécénat,aéroportuaire,classe de bruit la moins bruyante,rencontres transfrontalières


I Do That

1 user

  • French to English
  • 9000 words
  • Law: Contract(s)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Utility bill for a person issued by Algerian state utility company

Taxe habitation,prix unitaire,tranche,index ancien,numéro compteur


I Do That

  • French to English
  • 500 words
  • Finance (general)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Norms governing remote selling and buying-different, a break from usual stuff.

obblighi informativi previsti,salvo contratto diverso tra parti non consumatori,Prima che il consumatore sia vincolato da un contratto a distanza,il professionista fornisce al consumatore le informazioni seguenti in maniera chiara e comprensibile


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 18886 words
  • Law: Contract(s)
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

University Masters Certificates for new employment

unità didattica,ragioneria generale e applicata,finanza aziendale,storia del pensiero economico,economia politica


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 500 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Dispute about whether certain exemptions constitute state aid or not- the Commission's view and the view of the member States involved.

Kummissjoni,Regolament,direttiva,Għajnuna mill-Istat,Tgħawwiġ tal-kompetizzjoni


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 36513 words
  • Government / Politics
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Polynesia certificate for antenna


1 userI Do That

  • French to English
  • 900 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Press release-part of several-for Gala night awards-football


I Do That

1 user

  • French to English
  • 3000 words
  • Marketing / Market Research
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Diploma certificate in visual and Performing Arts

si certifica che,techniche di documentazione audiovisiva,architettura virtuale,non può essere prodotto agli organi della Pubblica Amministrazione o ai gestori privati di pubblici,equiparato al diploma specialistico rilasciato dall'Università


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 900 words
  • Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

Balance sheet

flusso finanziario,mezzi di terzi,stato patrimoniale,danaro in cassa,godimento di beni di terzi


I Do That

  • Italian to English
  • 16000 words
  • Economia