How I learned english

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How I learned english

By Miguel Villegas | Published  07/7/2018 | Translator Education | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecARateSecARateSecIRateSecI
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Miguel Villegas
English to Spanish translator

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I think that my own way of how I learned english was incredible. I didn't learn in an academy during three years as usual. I learned in just one year. I really think that with current technology you don't even need to assist to an english class. You just need a laptop or a conventional desktop with internet connection.

I could write all the process of how I learned, but is too extensive. Maybe in another article. Here, I will just mention some important points in the learning process that you must take into account and some tips that can speed up your learning process.

-You just have to find a blog of someone who wants you to suscribe to his blog to give you english courses for free. But, specially because that blogger will guide you in the process, exactly as how an institute teacher would do. Even some of them, you can ask them personally any question and they are happy to respond.

- You have to look for initial, intermediate, and advanced tips and follow them step by step.

-Consider that subscribing to a blogger and having his/her guide will avoid you to go in the wrong direction and in consequence losing valuable time.

-Take into account that learning to talk in english very well is really possible without interact with other people. It's really possible, I did it.

-You don't even need to learn a lot of grammar in the conventional way.

-If you think english is not for you, or english is something that you don't like, consider that this emotion will go away once you dominate it. Because once you dominate the idiom, you will feel so good, that you even will try to show your new ability any moment you can. You will want to talk in english as much as you can. This is a psychological principle,and it works also for any ability or new business you work in.

-For learning the four skills in english, you just need a computer with internet, your willpower, and a little bit of creativity and investigation.

-You can improve your grammar without studying grammar, it's incredible.

-When you listen to english podcasts to improve your listening, make sure that they come with transcriptions.

-Once you learn new words in english, make sure to use them a lot. Do not forget them, and go for learning other words.

-To improve your writing skills, you can transcript english texts, and you naturally will improve your writing.

-To choose the right text to read in order to improve your reading skill, make sure that when you read, you understand about 70% percent of the text without using translator.

-Once you have an intermediate level in english, you can start thinking in english 24/7. On that way you will improve your english skills, especially speaking skill faster.

So, these are some tips that I had in mind in this moment. Later will come even more. I hope you enjoy it and It can be useful for you.

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