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Poll: My household's monthly budget is approximately:
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Mar 25, 2018

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "My household's monthly budget is approximately:".

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Local time: 06:38
Spanish to English
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Don't know Mar 25, 2018

Define "monthly budget". Then we'll talk.

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
Member (2011)
Japanese to English
Ditto Mar 25, 2018

neilmac wrote:

Define "monthly budget". Then we'll talk.

Mine would be absolutely outrageous if I were to schedule a bottle of vintage champers at precisely 6 pm every day.

Just turned 6 pm here. (downs tools, sound of champagne cork hitting the ceiling)

Angus Stewart
Angus Stewart  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:38
French to English
+ ...
Don't know Mar 25, 2018

It depends how much I earn that month, whether or not I can afford my desired bobo lifestyle : )

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:38
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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Ditto Mar 25, 2018

My monthly budget includes earnings and expenses, some of these are fixed while others are extremely variable.

P.S. Was the question intended to ask how much we earn per month?

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
Member (2006)
German to English
Ditto as well Mar 25, 2018

Julian Holmes wrote:

neilmac wrote:

Define "monthly budget". Then we'll talk.

Mine would be absolutely outrageous if I were to schedule a bottle of vintage champers at precisely 6 pm every day.

Just turned 6 pm here. (downs tools, sound of champagne cork hitting the ceiling)

Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:38
French to English
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In memoriam
For a moment, Teresa, Mar 25, 2018

Teresa Borges wrote:

My monthly budget includes earnings and expenses, some of these are fixed while others are extremely variable.

P.S. Was the question intended to ask how much we earn per month?

I misread "earnings" for "earrings". Wow! I thought, that lady must be some fashionista! New earrings every month.
Must get my eyes tested ...

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:38
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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LOL Mar 25, 2018

Jenny Forbes wrote:

Teresa Borges wrote:

My monthly budget includes earnings and expenses, some of these are fixed while others are extremely variable.

P.S. Was the question intended to ask how much we earn per month?

I misread "earnings" for "earrings". Wow! I thought, that lady must be some fashionista! New earrings every month.
Must get my eyes tested ...

Well I must say that my fashionista days are pretty much behind me, can't even remember the last time I bought a pair of earrings...

Gianluca Marras
Gianluca Marras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
English to Italian
exactly Mar 25, 2018

neilmac wrote:

Define "monthly budget". Then we'll talk.


Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Nikki Scott-Despaigne  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
French to English
Inevitable spending Mar 25, 2018

I am quite surprised that almost 20% reply that they don't know. Freelance translators obviously have fluctuating levels of income. Some monthly costs are fairly steady from one month to the next, surely? Housing, whether purchasing or renting, does not vary as much as our income. Insurance costs probably don't vary that much either. It is possible to reduce energy consumption and the groceries bill can be reduced if income goes down too. However, I certainly know what my average monthly outgoin... See more
I am quite surprised that almost 20% reply that they don't know. Freelance translators obviously have fluctuating levels of income. Some monthly costs are fairly steady from one month to the next, surely? Housing, whether purchasing or renting, does not vary as much as our income. Insurance costs probably don't vary that much either. It is possible to reduce energy consumption and the groceries bill can be reduced if income goes down too. However, I certainly know what my average monthly outgoings are. Those who don't are probably either past caring or extremely well off!Collapse

Maxi Schwarz
Maxi Schwarz  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:38
German to English
+ ...
senseless question for a number of reasons Mar 25, 2018

The main one being the great variety represented in this forum. There are people who are young and single, young and married with and without children, older and married supporting kids going to college or single and supporting kids going to college, and quite a bit older with kids who are running their own households. And then --- USD? ---- we come from all over the world.

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
Member (2012)
English to Danish
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Other Mar 25, 2018

What a strange question!

I actually know exactly how much I spend every month; but do you mean including rent, electricity, heat, TV, telephone, internet, medicine, etc.?
If you had asked how much I spend on groceries, it would have made more sense to me.

And then again, some of us are single, some have a family. Some of us are the only breadwinner, while others have a spouse, who pitches in.

I don't think the formulation og the question is statisti
... See more
What a strange question!

I actually know exactly how much I spend every month; but do you mean including rent, electricity, heat, TV, telephone, internet, medicine, etc.?
If you had asked how much I spend on groceries, it would have made more sense to me.

And then again, some of us are single, some have a family. Some of us are the only breadwinner, while others have a spouse, who pitches in.

I don't think the formulation og the question is statistically valid.

Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:38
German to English
+ ...
Say what? Mar 25, 2018

Agree with others. Question unclear. I think many of us don't think in dollars either. No idea what the dollar-to-euro exchange rate is, nor the pound-to-euro rate for that matter (relevant for me as a Brit)

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
Member (2008)
English to Russian
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What is the purpose of this poll? Mar 25, 2018

I live in Australia where I pay more than USD 4 for a medium coffee. There are a lot of countries where you can buy 4 medium ones for the same money, so what is the point in talking about household earnings in different countries when you have no idea how they spend them?

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:38
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
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Same as others Mar 25, 2018

I didn't even try to answer this question. Quite meaningless.

Truth be told, my pension and Social Security from working full-time for many years are sufficient to cover my basic expenses. I will not starve or lose my home (thanks, also, to excellent health insurance that I inherited from my job). Depending on my freelance income in a given month, I will spend more or less money on extras while also putting a little aside in savings.

My monthly translation income is no
... See more
I didn't even try to answer this question. Quite meaningless.

Truth be told, my pension and Social Security from working full-time for many years are sufficient to cover my basic expenses. I will not starve or lose my home (thanks, also, to excellent health insurance that I inherited from my job). Depending on my freelance income in a given month, I will spend more or less money on extras while also putting a little aside in savings.

My monthly translation income is not predictable because some months I really push my limits with rush jobs and heavy demand; some jobs take more time than others for the same money; some months I may receive nothing because a given job took me six weeks to finish; some clients pay more than others; and some clients take a long time to pay. But the annual totals are usually quite similar with a slightly upward trend.

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Poll: My household's monthly budget is approximately:

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