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Poll: In your opinion, which of these services generates more income?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Mar 30, 2016

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "In your opinion, which of these services generates more income?".

This poll was originally submitted by tilak raj. View the poll results »

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
Member (2009)
English to German
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Other Mar 30, 2016

Subtitling and copywriting.

Jon Hedemann
Jon Hedemann  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
English to Danish
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On-site work Mar 30, 2016

My answer is: On-site work, i.e. assigned work at an end-client's offices.

Local time: 10:27
Spanish to English
+ ...
Translation (in my case) Mar 30, 2016

In my own particular case, it is my translation activity that generates most income for me, because it is what I mostly do. Perhaps I have misunderstood the poll question...

For example, I can probably earn more in one hour interpreting than I do in an hour translating, but in the latter I don't have to go anywhere, or wait about... In fact, I do it for several hours a day, which is not the case with interpreting (although I haven't done any interpreting work for ages).

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:27
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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I don't know! Mar 30, 2016

My income comes entirely from translation...

Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
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How much does an intepreter make? Mar 30, 2016

Interpreters have to travel to their place of work. That takes time, not to mention getting yourself ready before leaving your house. You also have very specific times when you must be working. Then there are the unpaid schmoozing "obligations".

So I've always assumed that interpreters make less on average.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
Member (2006)
German to English
No idea Mar 30, 2016

As I only translate and have no interest in the other fields.

EvaVer (X)
EvaVer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
Czech to French
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It depends Mar 30, 2016

per time unit, or in the long haul? And for whom? Depends on your efficiency, your market...

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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In my case, translating Mar 30, 2016

Translating pays best for me.

I proofread/edit if the text is reasonable and I expect to be paid properly, but I still tend to round down and charge less than I would earn per hour if I translated instead.

A lot of editing/reviewing/QA or whatever you call it is very poorly paid.

I cannot interpret. Unfortunately interpreters are often underrated and underpaid too, it seems. I know a couple of colleagues who still enjoy it, but court interpreters in the UK
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Translating pays best for me.

I proofread/edit if the text is reasonable and I expect to be paid properly, but I still tend to round down and charge less than I would earn per hour if I translated instead.

A lot of editing/reviewing/QA or whatever you call it is very poorly paid.

I cannot interpret. Unfortunately interpreters are often underrated and underpaid too, it seems. I know a couple of colleagues who still enjoy it, but court interpreters in the UK have been struggling for years, and now state authorization has been dropped in Denmark too, which does not bode well for rates in the future.

I do summaries occasionally, but mostly pro bono, and if I did charge for them, the same would apply as proofreading. If I charged the full rate for my time, most clients would find it surprisingly expensive.

Not that I spin gold translating. One of the good agencies is pressing rates, and there are plenty whom I turn down point blank because they will not pay the rates I ask.
But I generate by far the greatest part of my income by translating.

Laureana Pavon
Laureana Pavon  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:27
Member (2007)
English to Spanish
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In my case, definitely translation Mar 30, 2016

I worked many years as an interpreter (simultaneous and consecutive, booth and liaison). I actually found all the traveling and waiting (and earphones!!) extremely tiring. While the pay was very good, there was a limit to how many days I could keep it up.
Now that I'm a full-time translator my income has increase substantially.

Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Nikki Scott-Despaigne  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
French to English
Interpreting Mar 30, 2016

I must have a problem with understanding basic language, as when I see "in your opinion", I understand that I'm being asked to give my opinion on the general situation. I suspect that the question is actually asking about our own personal experience. The results is that I do not udnerstand what this poll is seeking to achieve:
- what each person thinks, or
- a description of each person's experience.
I suspect the latter.

In answer to "in my opinion", I really don'
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I must have a problem with understanding basic language, as when I see "in your opinion", I understand that I'm being asked to give my opinion on the general situation. I suspect that the question is actually asking about our own personal experience. The results is that I do not udnerstand what this poll is seeking to achieve:
- what each person thinks, or
- a description of each person's experience.
I suspect the latter.

In answer to "in my opinion", I really don't know; nor do I see how I could know!

As to my own experience, a day spent interpreting will get me more than three times the amount of income I can generate from a day's translating. However, it is easier to have a steady flow of translation work than it is a steady flow if interpreting jobs. A combination suits me.

[Edited at 2016-03-31 08:09 GMT]

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:27
Member (2005)
German to English
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Translation Mar 30, 2016

The obvious answer, as it generates income for me.

How translation ranks when compared with the others? I've no clue.

Maxi Schwarz
Maxi Schwarz  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:27
German to English
+ ...
for me, my area of expertise Mar 30, 2016

Therefore translation. But for someone with different expertise, the answer would have to be different.

Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 10:27
English to German
What's an opinion? Mar 30, 2016

My prejudice is that interpreting pays more per hour, but takes more energy and various abilities (such as travel and voice control) than I have and/or am willing to invest.

Another prejudice of mine is that interpreting over the phone is on the rise, requires no travel and lower motor skills, but better hearing/listening skills and possibly even better voice control than in-person interpreting, and that it is paid somewhere in the middle between translation and in-person interpret
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My prejudice is that interpreting pays more per hour, but takes more energy and various abilities (such as travel and voice control) than I have and/or am willing to invest.

Another prejudice of mine is that interpreting over the phone is on the rise, requires no travel and lower motor skills, but better hearing/listening skills and possibly even better voice control than in-person interpreting, and that it is paid somewhere in the middle between translation and in-person interpreting.

Experience, I have none.

This is not actually an opinion, as there is no empirical data involved.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:27
English to Spanish
+ ...
The problem with opinions Mar 30, 2016

Next up, Proz quick polls on Cosmopolitan magazine!

Seriously, that thunk sound you heard is my IQ lowering 20 points because I bothered to read the poll question.

Chances are I can still hold on to the rest of my hominin intelligence if I just click the browser page off.

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Poll: In your opinion, which of these services generates more income?

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