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Poll: In 5 years the demand for translations in my target language will be...
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Mar 10, 2016

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "In 5 years the demand for translations in my target language will be...".

This poll was originally submitted by Pieter Beens. View the poll results »

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:17
Member (2011)
Japanese to English
I haven't a clue Mar 10, 2016

I have my own expectations but not a crystal ball.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:17
Member (2006)
German to English
No idea Mar 10, 2016

But the tendency over the past years is that it is increasing, if I will profit from it is something else ....

Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:17
French to English
+ ...
Could be anything... Mar 10, 2016

Booming or none.

Intelligent translation is one of the hottest topics in world academia today and it will probably lead to some major breakthroughs we can't even imagine.

I would not advise my children to become professional translators.


Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:17
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
I don't know! Mar 10, 2016

I have no idea what the future holds. Will the demand for translations in European Portuguese be higher, lower or the same? Will I still be around in 5 years? I have no crystal ball (nor would I want one!)…

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:17
Member (2006)
Russian to Hungarian
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in my target language Mar 10, 2016

...which one?

EvaVer (X)
EvaVer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:17
Czech to French
+ ...
Yes, that's one of the troubles Mar 10, 2016

Erzsébet Czopyk wrote:

...which one?

I, too, have 3 target languages. And whoever would know the future would be very rich...

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
English to Spanish
+ ...
And the futurists strike again Mar 10, 2016

My first encounter with a futurist was in the form of a book, written by Alvin Toffler in the 80s. Four words would describe this book: a piece of trash.

Despite the dismal record of prophets of any religious persuasion, past and present, one, there will always be gullible people who listen to futurologists, prophets, seers, clairvoyants and their ilk, and two, people who make a living out of telling the rest of us what wonderful our particular future will be, whether it's in our pr
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My first encounter with a futurist was in the form of a book, written by Alvin Toffler in the 80s. Four words would describe this book: a piece of trash.

Despite the dismal record of prophets of any religious persuasion, past and present, one, there will always be gullible people who listen to futurologists, prophets, seers, clairvoyants and their ilk, and two, people who make a living out of telling the rest of us what wonderful our particular future will be, whether it's in our professional lives or personal ones.

I would like to say that it all started with The Wolf of Wall Street but I would be lying. I'm sure it started with some silver-tongued human (or hominin) who, for lack of any other marketable or productive skill, started out by duping his neighbors.

Like the rest of you, I don't know what the demand for translations in my target language or in any other language will be. Nobody knows that. There is no rational, measurable or scientific way of knowing that.

As a side note, the American Translators Association is getting on the prophetic bandwagon by touting the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' rosy picture for translators:

Whoa! Our profession will grow 29% from 2014 to 2024. How can we get a piece of that?


Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 10:17
English to German
Statistics Mar 10, 2016

By what percentage per year is the world population growing? And how many of these ever more humans will be writers, and how many will just be readers, and how many illiterates?

And how long will it take until the next war, and will that one be the end of these pesky humans?

Well, at least words are the one thing that will always be produced as long as there are humans. We can run out of potatoes and burlap, but hardly out of words.

After humankind, interp
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By what percentage per year is the world population growing? And how many of these ever more humans will be writers, and how many will just be readers, and how many illiterates?

And how long will it take until the next war, and will that one be the end of these pesky humans?

Well, at least words are the one thing that will always be produced as long as there are humans. We can run out of potatoes and burlap, but hardly out of words.

After humankind, interpreters between rat and cockroach might be highly sought after.

DZiW (X)
DZiW (X)
English to Russian
+ ...
locally, let's not make global plans far too early Mar 10, 2016

I'll try to maintain the same optimum level for me; should I need more, I would increase my income, yet should I find a better opportunity, I would give less time to interpreting/translating or completely renounce it.

Time shall tell, no guessing at the future though)

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:17
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
Who knows? Mar 10, 2016

Unless you have a crystal ball, it's rather difficult to predict any future demands in any field or in any sort. There will probably always be a demand for translators...unless everybody decides that MT suffices... which is rather unlikely to happen.

Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
United Kingdom
Member (2011)
Swedish to English
+ ...
Did everyone get out of the wrong side of the bed today? Mar 10, 2016

My opinion, or expectation, based on logic rather than clairvoyance, is that there will be more demand for translation into English as globalisation marches on.

[Edited at 2016-03-10 16:36 GMT]

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:17
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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Enormous Mar 10, 2016

It is now - my target language is English, and I don't think the need for my source language will diminish much in five years either.

'Everyone can English' - after a fashion, but there will be a need for people who can seriously translate from other languages into good English.

Don't be duped by the stories of AI.

Computers can now beat us at GO and Chess, but they still can't reflect, and that is what language is about, at least partly.
Computers ar
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It is now - my target language is English, and I don't think the need for my source language will diminish much in five years either.

'Everyone can English' - after a fashion, but there will be a need for people who can seriously translate from other languages into good English.

Don't be duped by the stories of AI.

Computers can now beat us at GO and Chess, but they still can't reflect, and that is what language is about, at least partly.
Computers are not going to be putting us out of business in the next five years.

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:17
Member (2014)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Trends Mar 10, 2016

The longer I stay in the market, the more clients I "meet" and work for. My clients are usually satisfied and even surprised with the quality of my work. So the trend is for a slight increase. I don't really have time to absorb more work, but I can surely replace the lower payments with clients that pay better. So I expect to fill-up my schedule with clients that pay the price I consider decent and to dismiss the ones that pay below that (which I have already been doing for a while) very soon.

M. Singh
M. Singh  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:47
Member (2009)
English to Punjabi
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Increase in demand! Mar 10, 2016

Looking from the technical point of view, i strongly feel that demand for translation in my target language - and for that in any language will increase.

Increased demand for localisation for the IT sector, the increase in globalisation and movement of people across countries and focus of MNCs on more personalised services will contribute towards increasing this demand.

No doubt it is difficult to predict what exactly will be rate of change of these factors, and sound
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Looking from the technical point of view, i strongly feel that demand for translation in my target language - and for that in any language will increase.

Increased demand for localisation for the IT sector, the increase in globalisation and movement of people across countries and focus of MNCs on more personalised services will contribute towards increasing this demand.

No doubt it is difficult to predict what exactly will be rate of change of these factors, and sound knowledge of statiscal tools will be required for this kind of prediction.

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Poll: In 5 years the demand for translations in my target language will be...

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