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Poll: Sign of the times: do you (still) wear a watch?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Feb 14, 2016

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Sign of the times: do you (still) wear a watch?".

This poll was originally submitted by Catharine Cellier-Smart. View the poll results »

564354352 (X)
564354352 (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:21
Danish to English
+ ...
Very rarely Feb 14, 2016

But not because I carry another time device with me. I just don't like wearing a watch...

Besides, I work at home, why would I need to wear a watch? The time is shown on my computer right in front of me all day..

Maxi Schwarz
Maxi Schwarz  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:21
German to English
+ ...
Yes. Feb 14, 2016

Why wouldn't one wear a watch? It's ok if you have a clock at home, or you're near your computer. But if you are outside, how can you tell what the time is without a watch?

Vesa Korhonen
Vesa Korhonen  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:21
English to Finnish
+ ...
No Feb 14, 2016

Watch, alarm clock, music player, camera, and up to a degree, newspapers (not to mention my early 90's favourite, teletext) have more or less become obsolete as the features in mobile phones have increased.

Back in 1996 my first GSM (GH-318, anyone?) immediately replaced watch and alarm clock. Wonder what the next 20 years will bring...

LilianNekipelov  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 04:21
Russian to English
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Yes, I love streling silver watches—I owe Feb 14, 2016

a few, but I treat them more as jewelry than time-measuring devices.

Alexandra Speirs
Alexandra Speirs  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:21
Italian to English
+ ...
very rarely Feb 14, 2016

Never at home and only rarely when away on a job of some kind.
I still have the gold watch I received for my 21st birthday.
But even when I go on holiday, I usually forget to take it with me.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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Yes Feb 14, 2016

I owe several gold watches and I wear them quite often: I wouldn’t dream of going out of the house without makeup and jewelry (it's probably an age thing also!). I never wear a watch at home (I have a lot of clocks at home besides the computer watch: a grandfather clock, a wall clock…). I still have and use my alarm clock.

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:21
Member (2012)
English to Danish
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Yes, always Feb 14, 2016

For me this was a startling question - I thought that everyone wore a watch.

And coming to think of it, I am quite well covered, additionally: computer(s), smartphone and 4 clocks around the house.

But to be honest... I am the kind of person who is always arriving at the last moment (and sometimes a little bit late) for appointments etc.

[Edited at 2016-02-14 12:32 GMT]

Anastassiya Feber
Anastassiya Feber
Local time: 13:21
English to Russian
Agree: Feb 14, 2016

Gitte Hovedskov, MCIL wrote:
But not because I carry another time device with me. I just don't like wearing a watch...


inkweaver  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:21
French to German
+ ...
Yes Feb 14, 2016

Yes, always when I go out. Never at home, though. I've got a kitchen and a bathroom clock, that's enough.
I used to not wear a watch for a while but got terribly fed up with having to get my mobile out every time I wanted to check the time so I bought a lovely dark blue wristwatch which I'm very happy with.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:21
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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Yes Feb 14, 2016

Officially it is a man's watch, but no man in my circle would be content with it except my father (who is 95) and had a similar one for years.

It runs for six or seven years on a battery, is large enough for me to see the time without my glasses on, and has two 'hands' = pointers and twelve small strokes round the face. I don't like digital watches with numbers - on a bad day I confuse 6 and 9 and mix up 2 and 5! In short, my watch tells me the time and nothing else.

... See more
Officially it is a man's watch, but no man in my circle would be content with it except my father (who is 95) and had a similar one for years.

It runs for six or seven years on a battery, is large enough for me to see the time without my glasses on, and has two 'hands' = pointers and twelve small strokes round the face. I don't like digital watches with numbers - on a bad day I confuse 6 and 9 and mix up 2 and 5! In short, my watch tells me the time and nothing else.

My husband goes round with a large, clunky thing that was sold as an active woman's watch... It is watertight and stands up to his activities in the garden and the toolshed. I can't imagine any woman who would want it, but it serves his purposes!

Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:21
German to English
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At certain times Feb 14, 2016

I wear a watch in the gym to time breaks and usually when flying.

Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:21
French to English
+ ...
Always Feb 14, 2016

I wear my fitness band at all times. It also shows the time and nags me to get off my tuches and move around after a long stretch of inactivity. It is water resistant, so I have no reason to take it off.
I ticked "Other" because telling the time is not its main function.

[Edited at 2016-02-14 12:28 GMT]

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:21
Member (2014)
English to Portuguese
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What do you mean with "still"? Feb 14, 2016

The mobile devices are replacing many other devices in people's lives. The most serious cases involve the replacement of attention, common sense and politeness. Humans have become slaves of money a long time ago. Later, slaves of consumption and fashion, and a bit later, slaves of technology. Now, the new generations are already slaves of the Internet and social media, with their lives controlled by mobile devices. Nowadays, only when you turn off your children's mobiles, you can see who they re... See more
The mobile devices are replacing many other devices in people's lives. The most serious cases involve the replacement of attention, common sense and politeness. Humans have become slaves of money a long time ago. Later, slaves of consumption and fashion, and a bit later, slaves of technology. Now, the new generations are already slaves of the Internet and social media, with their lives controlled by mobile devices. Nowadays, only when you turn off your children's mobiles, you can see who they really are, talk to them, interact with them.

So, do you still wear a watch? Do you still have a fixed phone at home? Do you still use a desktop? Do you still have a photographic camera? ... are associated with Do you still interact with people, nature, environment? Do you still use your brain when your mobile is connected? Did you already become a slave of the mobile/social media world?

My answer is "no" to all of them. And I still wear my watch.

Davide Grillo
Davide Grillo  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:21
English to Italian
+ ...
Of course I do... Feb 14, 2016

...and I love it! I am proud to wear my mechanical watch, and I will never replace it with an eletronic device. No matter we're in 2016...

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Poll: Sign of the times: do you (still) wear a watch?

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