Poll: Do you encrypt the data on your PC or your devices?
Thread poster: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Feb 6, 2016

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you encrypt the data on your PC or your devices?".

This poll was originally submitted by Mario Chavez. View the poll results »

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:24
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No Feb 6, 2016

I have enough trouble controlling all the passwords I'm required to have; I don't need to deal with yet another level of security.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:24
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Ditto! Feb 6, 2016

Muriel Vasconcellos wrote:

I have enough trouble controlling all the passwords I'm required to have; I don't need to deal with yet another level of security.

Besides that, some systems are pretty pointless and others have been banned in the name of national security… (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11970391/Internet-firms-to-be-banned-from-offering-out-of-reach-communications-under-new-laws.html)

Local time: 10:24
Spanish to English
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No Feb 6, 2016

All the data? That would be a tall order. Apart from my banking details, I don't think I have much to hide.

Luiz Barucke
Luiz Barucke  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:24
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Yes Feb 6, 2016

All my personal, professional and financial data (that means everything except program and system files) is encrypted in a hidden volume when saved in mobile devices (usb sticks and also laptops). You not only need to know the password (encrypted), but also must know before that the volume is there (hidden).

I know it seems like a paranoid approach, but let's say I'd get a little bit crazy if some of these devices were lost or stolen during transportation, trips or some day (and I d
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All my personal, professional and financial data (that means everything except program and system files) is encrypted in a hidden volume when saved in mobile devices (usb sticks and also laptops). You not only need to know the password (encrypted), but also must know before that the volume is there (hidden).

I know it seems like a paranoid approach, but let's say I'd get a little bit crazy if some of these devices were lost or stolen during transportation, trips or some day (and I do it almost everyday) I go to work in a cafe.

Local time: 17:24
Member (2013)
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more of anti infection than encryption Feb 6, 2016

I have seen such requests to keep data on encrypted PC with very limited number of agencies.

Some of data are naturally encrypted by native software, but otherwise I think I got plain code.

Unless you involuntarily (or illegally by someone!) share Wi-Fi with neighbours
I do not think this is mandatory

- but I just always run anti-malware and keep my PC up to date as well as strong security software that monitors PC real time.

I strong
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I have seen such requests to keep data on encrypted PC with very limited number of agencies.

Some of data are naturally encrypted by native software, but otherwise I think I got plain code.

Unless you involuntarily (or illegally by someone!) share Wi-Fi with neighbours
I do not think this is mandatory

- but I just always run anti-malware and keep my PC up to date as well as strong security software that monitors PC real time.

I strongly believe that anti virus solution is more valued than encryption
(exactly because if you get infected your passcode will be broken anyway!)

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:24
English to Spanish
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Virus, malware and encryption Feb 6, 2016

Data encryption should not be confused with data protection from virus, malware or other nuisance. Apples and oranges.

My financial data, shared with my banks, is natively encrypted in transit.

My mobile phone data is natively encrypted because it's an iPhone 6S running iOS 9.

However, I don't encrypt my hard drives for two reasons:

1) My home Internet comes with a hardwired firewall and my WiFi is secured with WEP encryption (my choice)
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Data encryption should not be confused with data protection from virus, malware or other nuisance. Apples and oranges.

My financial data, shared with my banks, is natively encrypted in transit.

My mobile phone data is natively encrypted because it's an iPhone 6S running iOS 9.

However, I don't encrypt my hard drives for two reasons:

1) My home Internet comes with a hardwired firewall and my WiFi is secured with WEP encryption (my choice)
2) I am a low-value asset to data thieves (what are they going to steal, my translations?)

My Mac offers the possibility to use FileVault to encrypt data, but that complicates any backup restorations.

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:24
Member (2014)
English to Portuguese
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Not necessary Feb 6, 2016

Only data that is transferred in and out of my PC should be encrypted, and those that need to be encrypted ceratinly are, but not by me. The sites that require it (banks, etc.) do it automatically. I won't bother adding one more software and spending more time to protect myself against someone who would steal what? The traslations I have in my PC?

[Edited at 2016-02-06 19:41 GMT]


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Poll: Do you encrypt the data on your PC or your devices?

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