The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Romanian to English Human Resources Translation Glossary

Romanian term English translation
frigotehnist Refrigerationist
fuga de raspundere shirk responsibility
funcţie de răspundere managerial / senior / leading position (or post)
gletuieste Plastering
gratificatie perks (perquisites)
greva japoneza work-in/work-to-rule strike
grila (de salarizare) (wage) grid
grupă de muncă hazardous and mentally and physically demanding activities and occupational categories, group I
grupuri sociale toilet and lavatory facilities
i s-a desfacut was terminated
i s-a intocmit his employment record wasn\'t issued/ wasn\'t drawn up/ wasn\'t drafted
i s-a retinut was withheld for him
i se organizează (accommodation) is offered/arranged for
impiegat de miscare terminal operator
Entered by: Dan Marasescu
incorporat Conscripted
indemnizatia pentru functia de conducere executive bonus/compensation
indemnizatie de comanda comendeship emolument
indexat si majorat indexed and increased
Inspectoratul Teritorial de Munca Territorial Labour Inspectorate
instructaj introductiv general induction training
integrarea in colectiv team integration
intrari/iesiri salariati hiring/dismissal of employees
intrări / plecări de personal new hires/termination
izolator hidrofug waterproof insulator
la care se adaugă la rata inflaţiei inflation-adjusted (after inflation)
lasat la vatra discharged
locul producerii location
logistician gestiune flux logistics management specialist
lucrător în lăcătușerie mecanică structuri structural locksmith worker
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
lucrători detaşaţi temporary transfered
masurile ce se impun the required first aid measures
Merceolog Commodities expert
mersului trenului passengers are not allowed to lean against the doors on a moving train
mutatia intervenita changes
nomenclator de competente list of competencies
normativ de personal staff headcount
Entered by: Maria Tulbure
Normativ intern internal regulations
nota de constatare şi evaluare a pagubei fact-finding and damage assessment report
Entered by: Mihaela Buruiana
număr matricol student identification number (SID)
oamenii din subordine (Direct) reports/team members
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