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Romanian to English Human Resources Translation Glossary

Romanian term English translation
a dat dovada de profesionalism he demonstrated professionalism
a debifa to uncheck
a desface contractul de munca cessation/termination of labor agreement
a fost angajatul.. din has been employed by this company since
absente motivate absence with leave
accident de munca work injury/work accident
achitându-se de îndatoriri fulfilling his tasks
adeverinta de vechime Work Certificate
Agenţia Naţională de Ocupare a Forţei de Muncă National Employment Agency
Entered by: Andrei Albu
agentia judeteana pentru ocupare si formare profesionala county agency for professional training and employment
anexa sociala welfare facility
angajarea la lucru cu regim special employment to work under a special regime
ani de studiu şi discipline de învăţământ (study) years and subjects
ansamblu locuinte Housing estate
antropofunctional ergonomical
Aranjament stand-by de tip preventiv Precautionary stand-by arrangement
atestat de recunoastere a studiilor certificate for the validation of studies
În caz de situație contrară in the event of a situation (which is) contrary to what is mentioned hereinabove
în limitele bunului simţ within the bounds of common sense; within reasonable limits
înădiri splices
încadrare a personalului în câmpul muncii employment
închiriator renter/landlord
învoire leave of absence
barman preparator bartender
baterii de teste test battery
bibliotecar principal senior librarian
biruri tributes, imposts
bursa locurilor de munca job fair
cadru organizatoric organizational framework
Entered by: Claudia Coja
calificare la locul de munca on the job training
Casa de Pensii a Municipiului Bucuresti Bucharest Pension House
ce se urmareste prin the aims of
coşul minim de consum lunar minimum monthly consumption basket
Entered by: Andrei Albu
cocător baker
comodat Commodatum, gratuitous loan
concediu fara plata unpaid leave (of absence)
confectioner Structural Metal Fabricator
conform statelor according to the payrolls
consemn la domiciliu standby duty
contract colectiv de munca Collective Labour Agreement
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