The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Romanian to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

Romanian term English translation
cota de participare a managerului la profit the manager's share of profits
cota de participare la finantare financial (share) participation
cota \"zero\" zero-rate corporate (income) tax
cotă a inexactităţii margin of error
cote forfetare lump sums
Entered by: Mihaela Sinca
cote nebanesti non-pecuniary/non-monetary quotes
creanţă ipotecată pledged receivable
creanţe certe, lichide şi exigibile certain, liquid and exigible debts
creşterea cotei share increase
credit în alb blank/open/unsecured credit
credit îndoielnic doubtful credit
credit de angajament commitment appropriation
credit de forfetare discount credit
credit de trezorerie nenominalizat multi-purpose cash loan
credit denuntabil/nedenuntabil cancelable/non-cancelable credit
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
credit documentar sau echivalent dematerializat documentary letter of credit or dematerialized equivalent
credit global de exploatare global working capital credit
Credit obligatar mortgage bond
Entered by: Cristian Nicolaescu
credit performant performing loan
credit sindicalizat syndicated loan
Entered by: Mihaela Sinca
creditor gajist pledgee
creditor ipotecar mortgagee
creditor restant past due accounts payable
cresterea decalajului increasing/widening gap (between)
cu condiţia informării publicului provided that the public is informed
cu modificările şi completările ulterioare including subsequent amendments and additions
cu sau fără statut de persoană juridică with or withour legal entity status
cu scopul garantarii In order to guarantee...
cu sediul headquartered in Caransebes
Cuantum quantum
cunoasterea clientelei KYC ( know your client)< knowledge of the clientele
Curba Beveridge Beverdige Curve
Curba descendentă pe care se înscriu rezervele obligatorii Downard curve of the compulsory/mandatory reserves
Curs de deschidere - vânzare INTERBANCAR morning interbank Forex (rate)
cursul de schimb mai depreciat (more) depreciated exchange rate
data debitării debit date
Data Prescrierii (relating to an invoice) prescription date of....
data valutarii date of cashing in /registering the foreign currency on the account
date de identificare fiscala Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
date privind expediţia Shipping Instructions / Information
Entered by: Cristina Bolohan
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