The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Indonesian to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Indonesian term English translation
mendarah daging become a part of me
mendesis seolah-olah kepedasan sucking in air, savouring the imaginary spiciness
Entered by: Regi2006
mendorong kelancaran dan keberhasilan pendidikan stimulate the smoothness and success of education
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
menerobos kebuntuan overcoming the insurmountable obstacles
Entered by: Regi2006
meneruskan amanah realize the ideal
mengacak-acak to meddle with
mengangkat batang yang terendam to elicit all the potential
Mengarungi jalan kehidupan ford the river of life
Entered by: Regi2006
mengatasnamakan did in the name of the people's interest
mengecoh pengertian blur the distinction between ...
menggali lubang untuk diri sendiri dig their own graves
menghalalkan segala cara justifying all means
menghentak panggung rocking the stage
menguras air mata That...makes you cry
meninggalkan ruangan leave our event
Entered by: Regi2006
menjadi lancar is expedited
menjadi plasma perusahaan main partner
menjaga keutuhannya secara fisik to preserve its physical integrity
menjalaninya dengan penuh keseriusan take them seriously
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
menurunnya kekompakkan anggota weakening of the group unity
Entered by: Regi2006
menyamakan visi dan persepsi develop a common vision and perception
Menyapu dengan satu batang lidi sweeping with one broom bristle
Entered by: Regi2006
menyatunya hati as the skipper's heart merges with the sea
menyelesaikan perbedaan prinsip settled the difference in principles
menyusun pengukuran dasar setting benchmarks
Entered by: Regi2006
merasa mantap to be contented
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
merasa sakit perut had stomachache
Merespon kebutuhan medis Responding to medical needs
Entered by: Hengky Chiok
meringankan beban kewajiban reduce liabilities
mewujudkan solidaritas dan kepedulian terhadap to manifest solidarity and raise concern about
Entered by: Regi2006
mitra binaan development partner(s)
mudah rezekinya be a worth of fortune or for good fortune
muncul agak genit-genit it came up somewhat vacillatory
Mutiara ada di mana-mana Pearls are everywhere
namun nasib berbicara lain but fate decided otherwise
negara bersahabat friendly nation
net eksporter energi fosil setara 2 juta barel ... net exporter of fossil fuels at the equivalent of 2 million barrels
Ngegombal sweet-talk
ngemsi to serve as a Master of Ceremonies
nyaris saja that was close
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