The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Chinese Finance (general) Translation Glossary

English term Chinese translation
warrants upon exercise 在行使之时,认股权证...
weather 气候(期货与期权)
well equipped ;a commission 有足够的能力; 行动/任务
Wells Fargo 富国银行
what options to propose 建议哪些选择/选项
wild outcome 意想不到的走势
will be able to contribute to 为市政广场的建设作出贡献
Entered by: Julia Zou
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati 威尔逊·桑西尼·古奇·罗沙迪法律事务所
within acceptable time frames 可接受的时间内
within the geographically defined economy 在以地理划分的经济体内
without financial discount 不给予(国家财政)贴息
worrying 让人担忧
write 认购
WurliTzer Organ 握力舍(剧院)管风琴被
Xmv 市场价值指数
XXX is up to his eyeballs in contingency plans. 忙于制定应急计划,应接不暇;制定应急计划,忙得不可开交
XXX Partners XXX合伙 / XXX合伙企业
Entered by: albertdeng
XYZ Managed Accounts 托管帐户
Yield and Fractions 收益和分配
Entered by: Xu Dongjun
yielding measures of Probability of Default 采取措施
You are a commodity 你本身就是一件商品
zero-premium collars 零溢价领子期权
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