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Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

von der Leyen's speech after COP26 about the pandemic and the recovery plan together with the fight against climate change and protecting our values. Very interesting but stiff langauge

trasformazzjoni ekoloġika u nkużiva tas-soċjetajiet u ekonomiji tagħna, mexxejja sħabna irridu nagħmlu COP 26 suċċess għax obbligati nagħmlu dan għal uliedna, ma nistgħux inġibu lura ż-żmien li l-pandemija ħadet minn uliedna, punt importanti fir-relazzjonijiet bejn l-Istati Uniti u l-UE


I Do That

  • angličtina -> maltština
  • 2000 words
  • Government / Politics, Government/Politics
  • Trados Studio
  • 100% complete