718 registrants

5th Lawyer Linguist Virtual Event

Dec 8, 2016

Group discussion

Ask the Lawyer-Linguist Chatroom

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Schedule:This session ended at 19:00
Description:This is your opportunity to ask a number of lawyer-linguists any question you may have about the profession. Several lawyer-linguists who are panelists and/or presenters during today’s will be present in the chatroom to answer your questions.
People who signed up for this focus group:

I am an English lawyer of 15 years experience, hoping to launch a freelance translation career (German-English) in 2017. I currently have very little translation experience (but have a German degree and will take the DipTrans exams in January). How should I start off - by marketing myself to agencies? Approaching law firms direct? Or bidding for work through Proz to get experience? Any advice very welcome.

I would like to find a partner translator to work together as a trainee or intern in this specific area. It is legal translation Portuguese (CiLS) and English (CoLS). Yes, I'm the intern. :)


What are good resources for a better understanding of French law? I am a Dutch translator working in the legal field from French to Dutch.


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