Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jun 21 '11 eng>fra backing up en faisant marche arrière pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '04 eng>fra **Gosh** et bien pro closed no
- Dec 17 '03 eng>fra an expression for tramway+trolley+subway transports publics à rail / électrique pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '03 eng>fra Gateway of Hope Passage vers l'espérance easy open no
- Sep 10 '03 eng>fra bigger than life A mon sens, elle débordait de joie de vivre easy closed ok
- Mar 12 '03 eng>fra are scrambling to create animal models for autism in the form of mutant mice. voir ci-dessous easy closed ok
- Feb 14 '03 eng>fra we're waiting for the second shoe to drop nous attendons que vous lâchiez la seconde chaussure pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '02 eng>fra Sled Traîneau pro closed ok
2 Sep 25 '02 eng>fra extremely high temperatures des températures extrêmement élevées easy closed no
- Sep 25 '02 eng>fra thumbnail Onglet easy closed ok
- Sep 13 '02 eng>fra sick stick matraque vomigène pro closed ok
- Aug 19 '02 eng>fra say no to tampons Haro sur les tampons easy closed no
- May 6 '02 eng>fra He was looking forward to next Friday Il avait hâte que vendredi arrive, car c'était le jour easy closed ok
- Feb 18 '02 eng>fra ceiling of stars voûte d'étoiles easy closed ok
- Feb 7 '02 eng>fra DIY pour les amateurs pro closed no
- Jan 28 '02 eng>fra cent cents easy closed no
- Jan 23 '02 eng>fra peer pressure pression de groupe easy closed ok
4 Jan 22 '02 eng>fra I need you J'ai besoin de toi easy closed ok
- Dec 14 '01 eng>fra mantra devise pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '01 eng>fra group arrangement présentation de la gamme du produit pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '01 eng>fra ...raisin eyes that lasted for ever... un bonhomme aux yeux en raisins secs qui se conservait ... pro closed no
- Oct 29 '01 eng>fra piano j'aime jouer au piano easy closed ok
- Oct 23 '01 eng>fra Harry Potter & the green flam torch Harry potter et la torche à la flamme verte easy open no
- Oct 17 '01 eng>fra in the name of god the most gracious and the most merciful Au nom d' Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux easy closed ok
4 Aug 22 '01 eng>fra particularly among gym obsessed gay men. tout particulièrement parmi les gays obsédés de body-building easy closed no
4 Aug 22 '01 eng>fra and whose sexually charged body conscious men's clothes have garnired him et dont les vêtement masculins chargés de connotations sexuelles easy closed no
4 Aug 22 '01 eng>fra whose boy next door good looks and intelligence have made him a fashion press et dont l'intelligence l'a propulsé au rang de favori de la presse easy closed no
- Aug 22 '01 eng>fra it was a trial by flashbulbs even for someone whose boy next door good looks ce fut l'épreuve des flash, même pour quelqu'un dont ses mannequin"garcons d'à coté" sont très beaux easy closed ok
4 Aug 21 '01 eng>fra forrest gump ringard easy closed no
- Aug 16 '01 eng>fra I surrender Ich ergebe mich easy closed ok
4 Aug 16 '01 eng>fra Tomb Raider 4 Tomb raider 4 easy closed no
- Jun 4 '01 eng>fra THIS AIN'T NO UPWARDLY MOBILE FREEWAY socialement, cette autoroute ne mène nulle part easy open no
- Jun 4 '01 eng>fra AND ALL THE ROADS JAM UP WITH CREDIT Et toutes les routes sont obstruées de crédits easy open no
- Jun 4 '01 eng>fra Here is the information you requested veuillez trouver ci-joint easy open no
- May 29 '01 eng>fra The musee d\'orsay is in paris le musée d'orsay est situé à paris easy open no
- May 29 '01 eng>fra je ne sais pas se que sa veut dire Sorry, we only translate words or short (very short) texts easy open no
- May 24 '01 eng>fra benestare d'esercizio this is Italian, not French pro open no
3 May 22 '01 eng>fra instant favourite celle immédiatement adoptée pro closed ok
- May 21 '01 eng>fra pitch lancer easy closed ok
4 May 18 '01 eng>fra open sectorialism L'Amérique est le défenseur le plus ardent du sectorialisme ouvert pro closed ok
- May 17 '01 eng>fra proprietary means privately owned and controlled Biens de propriété pro closed no
- May 15 '01 eng>fra if you want to have this text translated easy open no
- May 14 '01 eng>fra Spinoff spinoff pro closed ok
- May 14 '01 eng>fra dare to do your best osez l'excellence easy closed ok
4 May 10 '01 eng>fra Followers of EST secte EST pro closed no
4 May 10 '01 eng>fra Followers of EST la secte EST pro closed no
- May 9 '01 eng>fra in the future à l'avenir, je voudrais parler mieux easy open no
- May 1 '01 eng>fra Fire Pit Poker tisonnier pour grill easy open no
- May 7 '01 eng>fra killer bud killer bud pro open no
- May 6 '01 eng>fra The songs sound just alike. air easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered