Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad » General fields

Portuguese to French Tech/Engineering mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Art/Literary mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Medical mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Law/Patents mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Science mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Bus/Financial mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Marketing mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Other mga manghuhubad (0)
Portuguese to French Social Sciences mga manghuhubad (0)

Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad » Specific fields

Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Accounting
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Advertising / Public Relations
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Agriculture
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Livestock / Animal Husbandry
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Anthropology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Archaeology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Architecture
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Astronomy & Space
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Asylum/Migration/Displacement
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Finance (general)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Automation & Robotics
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Botany
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Construction / Civil Engineering
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Business/Commerce (general)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Poetry & Literature
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Telecom(munications)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Computers (general)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Computers: Hardware
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Computers: Software
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Computers: Systems, Networks
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Law: Contract(s)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Cooking / Culinary
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Cosmetics, Beauty
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Medical: Dentistry
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Media / Multimedia
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Economics
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Education / Pedagogy
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Electronics / Elect Eng
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Energy / Power Generation
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Engineering (general)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Engineering: Industrial
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Nuclear Eng/Sci
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Environment & Ecology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Esoteric practices
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Fisheries
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Folklore
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Food & Drink
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Forestry / Wood / Timber
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Furniture / Household Appliances
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Gambling/Casino/Bets
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Mining & Minerals / Gems
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Genealogy
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Genetics
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Geography
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Geology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Government / Politics
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Medical: Health Care
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: History
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Tourism & Travel
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Human Resources
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Human rights
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Insurance
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: International Org/Dev/Coop
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Internet, e-Commerce
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Investment / Securities
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Metallurgy / Casting
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: IT (Information Technology)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Journalism
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Real Estate
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Law (general)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Law: Taxation & Customs
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: LGBTQ
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Linguistics
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Management
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Manufacturing
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Market Research
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Marketing
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Massages/Reflexology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Mathematics & Statistics
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Medical (general)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Medical: Cardiology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Medical: Instruments
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Medical: Oncology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Meteorology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Metrology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Military / Defense
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Music
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Names (personal, company)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Nutrition
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Other
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Paper / Paper Manufacturing
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Patents
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Philosophy
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Physics
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Printing & Publishing
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Psychology
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Religion
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Retail
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Safety
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: SAP
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Science (general)
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Slang
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Surveying
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Veterinary
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Water resources management
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Portuguese to French mga manghuhubad: Zoology

Portuguese to French translators and interpreters

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Identity Verified   Martine COTTARD
  Top quality at the best price
traductrice portugais français, traduction portugais français, traducteur portugais français, Real Estate, immobilier, imobiliário, intérprete português francês, região leiria, interprète portugais français région leiria, comprar casa, achat maison portugal, achat appartement portugal, acquisition immobilier, marché immobilier au portugal, marché immobilier portugais, démarches, mairie, mariage, état civil, notaire, escritura, acte authentique, compromis de vente, acte de vente, acte notarié, acte sous seing privé, authentification, officialisation, certification conforme, negociações, négociations, nazaré, alcobaça, são martinho do porto, s'installer au Portugal, vivre au Portugal, travelling, tourism, voyages, tourisme, turismo, reliable, French native translator, camping, restauration, menus, ementas, brochures, flyers, catalogues, cahier des charges, caderno de encargos, appel d'offres, contratos, contrats, acte de naissance, mariage, certidão nascimento, casamento, certidão perman ... French
3431 points
Portuguese to French
  Gil Costa
  La traduction, une passion !
tradutor, tradução, traducteur, traduction, tradução técnica, traduction spécialisée, traduction générale, revisão, relecture, Português, Portugais, Francês, Français, actes de l'état civil, acte de naissance, certidão de nascimento, certificado de habilitações, carta rogatória, commission rogatoire, diploma. diplôme, divórcio, divorce, despacho saneador, décision d'instruction, jugements, sentenças, decisões judiciais, documentos jurídicos, documents juridiques, turismo, tourisme, psicologia, psychologie, auto de interrogatório, auto de inquirição, procès-verbal, médecine, medicina, Código do Processo Penal, Code de Procédure Pénale, poder paternal, autorité parentale, pensão de alimentos, pension alimentaire, accusé(e), prévenu(e), défendeur, défenderesse, réu, ré, arguido(a), Ministério Público, Parquet, autor(a), demandeur, demanderesse, requérant(e), queixoso(a), plaignant(e), pacto social, peine d'emprisonnement, pena de prisão, testemunha(s), témoin(s), saúde, santé, statuts d'e ... Portuguese
3385 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Philippe Maillard
  Accuracy first
CV, resume, children’s rights, user manual, corporate, health and Safety, health, survey, sustainable environment, environment, international development, Human rights, NGO, Market Research, finance, Accounting, business, advertising, Marketing research, French, Portuguese, English, Spanish, financial, ecology, contract, agreement, travel, tourism, parents, parental alienation, divorce, separation, Brazil, Belgium, administration, IT, high technology, Real Estate, automotive, packaging, Marketing, direct Marketing, shareholder, credit, credit risk, trade, payments, law, juridical, science, education, French translation, English translation, energy, software, multimedia, Management, Europe, European, relation, report, company, hardware, internet, data base, network, editing, proofreading, web site, résumé, droits des enfants, manuel, enterprise, santé et sécurité, santé, enquête, environnement durable, environnement, développement international, droits humains, ONG, recherche de marché, comptabilité, affaires, publicité, français, portugais, anglais, espagnol, financier, écol ... French/English
1414 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Paul Roux
  Fiabilité, rapidité et professionnalisme
nationalité française, Portugal, Lisbonne, juridique, tourisme, voyages, pharmacie, génie civil, ... French
533 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   tierri pimpao
   Universitaire et Traducteur Interprète
portugais, français, anglais, bilingue, juridique economique, brésil, portugal, france, naval, português, francês, juridico, frança, angola, educaçao, brasil, traduçao, traduction, aix-en-provence, massy, marne-la-vallée, palaiseau, marseille, toulon, avignon, marselha, nice, montpellier, lyon, interprete, cannes, traductor, aeronautico, aeronautique, grenoble, geneve, toulouse, conferencia, conference, paris, tradutor, traducteur, tradutora, traductrice, lingua, langue, paca, provence, rhone, alpes, cote, azur, herault, languedoc, roussillon, bresilien, bresilienne, mozambique, cap-vert, nimes, arles, monaco, lille, dijon, nantes, bordeaux, gironde, bruxelles, sao tomé, timor, sous-titrage, doublage, strasbourg, estrasburgo, liege, clermont-ferrand, lisboa, lisbonne, porto, lille, alsace, besançon, chambéry, annecy, conferencia, reunion, reuniao, interpretation, interpretariat, interpretaçao, interpretariado, consecutif, consecutive, consecutivo, consecutiva, simultanea, simultaneo, s ... Portuguese/French
441 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Sindia Alves
  La fiabilité est mon maître-mot
português, francês, portugais, français, traduction, tradução, construction, construção, BTP, juridique, jurídico, financier, financeiro, contrat, contrato, pacto social, statuts, assentos, actes, naissance, mariage, nascimento, casamento, óbito, décès, diplomas, diplômes, contas, comptes, demonstrações, états, relatório, rapport, certificação, certification, legal, légal, contabilidade, comptabilité ... Portuguese/French
378 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   silvana zilli bomskov Translations – Traductions – Traduções – French into PortuguesePortuguese into French – Français en Portugais – Portugais en Français – Corporate Communication, Communication d'Entreprise, Comunicação Corporativa, Interpreting, Interprétation, Interpretação, Simultaneous, Simultanée, Simultânea, Sworn translation, Traduction assermentée, Tradução juramentada, High quality, flexibility, timeliness, qualité, respect des délais, qualidade, experiência, Jucerja, ATP-Rio, AIIC, ESIT, organizações internacionais, secteur automobile, indústria automotiva, énergie, energia, setor energético, hidroelétricas, energias renováveis, dermocosmética, Human Sciences, Sciences Humaines, Ciências Humanas, Tourism, Tourisme, Turismo, Environment, Environnement, Meio Ambiente, Human Resources, Ressources Humaines, Recursos Humanos ... Portuguese
172 points
Portuguese to French
  Vanessa Santos
  Bilingual French & Portuguese Translator
translation service, service de traduction, serviços de tradução, servicio de traducción, French, français, francês, francés, Portuguese, portugais, português, portugues, spanih, espagnol, espanhol, español, website transltion, traduction de site internet, tradução de websites, tourism, tourisme, turismo, fast, rapide, rápido, rapido, service, media, Journalism, serious, sérieux, sério, serio, bilingual, bilingue, available, disponible, disponível, translator, tradutor, traducteur, taductor, traduction, tradução, translation, traduccion, ... French/Portuguese
167 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Isabelle Bouchet
  Expert scientific+marketing translator
France, Aquitaine, Gironde, Bordeaux, atlantrad, atlan trad, Isabelle Bouchet, Isabelle Boucher, traduction, traducteur, traductrice, diplômé, expérimenté, expérience, fiable, fiabilité, qualité, traducteur technique, traductrice technique, traduction technique, traducteur scientifique, traductrice scientifique, traduction scientifique, technique, scientifique, science, technologie, technologique, industrie, ingénierie, génie, brevet, invention, publications scientifiques, spécifications, procédures, mode d'emploi, notices, manuels, guides, fiches de données de sécurité, FDS, dossiers, livre blanc, brochure, publication, logiciel, site internet, Internet, web, site, blog, article, publication, contenu éditorial, contenu digital, presse, communiqué, communication, RP, Marketing, transcréation, traduction créative, traduction rédactionnelle, traduction commerciale, publicité, Marketing médical, communication en santé, médecine, médical, biologie, microbiologie, biochimie, génétique, biot ... French
101 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Philippe Locquet
  Terminology, solutions and MT specialist
English, French, Translation, interpretor, medical, voiceover, localization, http://www.fi2nco.my.proz.com, acne, acyclovir, addiction, alcoholism, aloe vera, alprazolam, Ambien, antioxidant, anxiety, Ativan, Candida, Celebrex, Celexa, Cialis, Cipro, ciprofloxacin, codeine, Darvon, dental, detox, detoxification, diabetes, diazepam, doxycycline, drug, fibromyalgia, Flexeril, Fosamax, , Glucophage, growth hormone, health care, heartburn, impotence, lead, Librium, Lipitor, lorazepam, medication, meridian, paradox, paroxetine, Paxil, pharmacy, prescription, Prevacid, Prozac, psoriasis, psychic, Retin-A, Ritalin, sildenafil citrate, soma, Valium, Viagra, Vioxx, vitrectomy, Wellbutrin, Xanax, Zocor, Zoloft, Word part of speech Meaning Example, sentence abnormal, adj not normal for the human body This amount of weight loss is abnormal, for women your age. ache, noun/verb pain that won't go away I can't sleep because my knees ache in the night. acute, dj quick to become severe/bad We knew the ... French
64 points
Portuguese to French
  Cécile A.-C.
  Your performant language partner
Translation, interpretation, simultaneous, continuous, public relations, product distribution, English-French, Portuguese-French, English-Portuguese, French-Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Information Technology, Cosmetics, Healthcare, Economics, Finance, Banking, Marketing, Commercial contracts, International Trade, International relations, International Fiscal Law, Customs laws, bilateral conventions, multilateral conventions, International regulations, Africa, West Africa, French, Portuguese, international trade, consulting, product distribution, intellectual property, Patents, contracts, Economics, Marketing, mining, dietary supplements, hair products, localization, sustainable development, environmental protection, disaster relief, social entrepreneurship, education, market development, market study, market survey, press, news, foreign language learning, education, renewable energy, fair trade, national and international regulations, subtitling, transcription, transcreation, voice o ... French
United States
56 points
Portuguese to French
  Marco Santos
  Traducteur technique et interprète
Interprete, interprete portugais, interprete portugues, interprete frances, interprete frances portugues, traducteur, tradutor, tradutor portugues, tradutor frances, tradutor frances portugues, ajuramentado, certificado, assermenté, ingles, portugues, frances, anglais, portugais, français, paris, lyon, lille, Portugal, frança, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Bruxelles, Nantes, Orléans, Nice, Luxembourg, Suisse, Belgique, grenoble ... French/Portuguese
52 points
Portuguese to French
  Joao Manuel Tomas
  Multi-skilled and reliable
French, Portuguese, spanish, english, catalan, technology, software, localization, Marketing, scientific, general, francês, português, inglês, catalão, tecnologia, localização, científico, geral, français, portugais, espagnol, anglais, technique, scientifique, général, francés, portugués, inglés, español, castellano, catalán, tecnología, localización ... French/Portuguese
52 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Christiane Karydakis tradução, traduction, versão, thème, portugais, français, português, francês, Portuguese, French, business, sociétaire, légal, juridique, juridico, contratos, contrats, estatutos, statuts, comercial, commercial, corporativa, educação, éducation, finances, finanças, diplômes, diplomas, medicina, médecine, medicine, experiente, expert, experienced, linguiste, tradutora, traductrice, experiência, expérience, Marketing, tourisme, général, expert, linguiste, revisão, proofreading, révision, financier, financeiro, finance, recursos humanos, Human Resources, tourism, turismo, éducation, education, contrôle de la qualité, contrôle da qualidade, information technologie, tecnologia da informação, technologie de l'information ... French
United States
51 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Spiridon
  Multilingual 37years Aviation Experience
Aircraft Maintenance, Aviation General, Tech Support ... Portuguese/Arabic/French
44 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Margarida Ataide
  Translating your ideas
translation, interpretation, proofreading, Portuguese, english, French, spanish ... Portuguese
37 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Benoit Cros
  Your partner for legal translations!
law, finance, legal, transcription, translation, humanities, tourism, german, French, Portuguese, interpreting, barcelona ... French
35 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   marewa
medical, pharmaceutical, French, German, English, informed consent, Swissmedic, EMA, clinical study, patient leaflet, résumé des caractéristiques du produit, information professionnelle, notice, traductions médicales, Life Sciences, patients'questionnaires, médicaments, MedDRA, EDQM, PIL, PI ... French
32 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Sandrine Michel
  Sworn translator in English
translation, english, spanish, Portuguese, italian, French, legal translation, translator, civil engineering translation, engineering transation, humanitarian translation, traduction juridique, anglais, espagnol, portugais, italien, ingénierie civile, humanitaire, tourisme, traducción, traducción turistica, traducción jurídica, inglés, español, italiano, portugués, tradução jurídica, engenharia civil, tradução turística ... French
27 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Blanca Cobos
  Technical, finance, legal, golf, ski
engineering, Patents, law, contracts, environment, cosmetics, distribution, sports, Management, Marketing. We are a good team very used to work together, and all our jobs have proofreading, both in FR and in SP. Sports: Golf, skiing, squash, racketball, diving ... Spanish
24 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Carole Salas
  25 years of specialised translations
French, Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese, French native, French mOther tongue, Spanish native, Spanish mOther tongue, technical translations, professsional translations, traductions, traducciones, traduzioni, English to French translation, Spanish to French translation, Italian to French translation, Portuguese to French translation, liaison interpreting, phone interpretating, whispering interpreting, chuchotage, technical translation, professional linguistic services, linguistic services, languages services, interpretariat de liaison, interpretariado de enlace, international development, développement international, desarrollo internacional, sviluppo internazionale, Nutrition, nutrición, nutrizione, Marketing, business, affari, commerce, international trade, commerce international, comercio internacional, commercio internazionale, biodiversity, biodiversité, biodiversidad, biodiversità, intercultural communication, localization, Market Research, ecology, écologie, ecologia, educa ... French
24 points
Portuguese to French
  André Fernandes
  Excellence always on time
videojogos, casino, poker, gaming, videogames, poquer, gambling, desporto, prospectus, stockmarket, turismo, união europeia, hotelaria, ambiente, contabilidade construction, tourisme, construction, law, sports, environment, quality, professionalism, reliable, excellent rates, conference interpreter, fast, accurate, Portuguese, spanish, French, english, tourism, travel, bâtiment, civil, filosofia, philosophie, education, Jogos, videogames, localization, consecutive, consecutiva, simultânea, simultaneous, finanças, finance, business, Marketing, corporative, website, legal, comunicações, contracts, agreements, T&C, NDA, termos e condições, ... Portuguese
20 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Daniel Fernandes
  IT, MKT, HR, Mining, Energy, Environment
French to brazilian Portuguese, traducteur français portugais brésilien, français vers le portugais, english to brazilian, TI, TIC, railway, rail, chemins de fer, automotive, business, contracts, Human Resources, ressources humains, memo, communications, Marketing, training, formation, mining, Geology, transcreation, application, app ... Portuguese
16 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Maria Carl
  Also translation project management
translation, revision, proofreading, layout, tenders, call for tenders, multilingual projects, Economics, legal, EU terminology, project Management, press releases, funds, finances, rapports, prospectus, sworn translations, reports, revised translation, traduction révisée, Portuguese, English, French, Italian, Spanish, certified, tradução, revisão, português, Association luxembourgeoise des traducteurs et interprètes (ALTI), anglais, français, italien, espagnol, portugais, traduction assermentée, editing, traduction, relecture, ALTI, Luxembourg, prospectus, rapports, association, traducteurs, interprètes, statuts, professionnel, indépendant, freelance, diplomé, assermenté, tribunal, cour, ... Portuguese/French
12 points
Portuguese to French
Identity Verified   Vincent Rethers
  Reliability, creativity, responsiveness!
game, video games, software, app, application, localization, French, english, Portuguese, sound, Music, sound engineering, sound technologies, hardware, video, video editing, editing, instruments, keyboard, monitor, manual, website, education, pedagogy, sports, camera, sports, sport betting, poker ... French
12 points
Portuguese to French
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