Archived polls

5920 polls, displaying 301 through 350
The quality of my work has increased over the past 3 - 5 years.
By anonymous - featured on Jun 27, 2023
Agree 77.7%
I don't know 13.4%
Disagree 5.3%
N/A 3.6%
528 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Freelancing, in general, is more advantageous for the young.
By anonymous - featured on Jun 26, 2023
Disagree 39.6%
What kind of question is this, pollster? 25.7%
No opinion 24.8%
Agree 10.0%
432 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My predictions for my business in the second half of 2023...
By anonymous - featured on Jun 24, 2023
Are positive 41.5%
Are more or less neutral 28.6%
Are negative 18.4%
I'm not thinking that far ahead 8.9%
Other - N/A 2.6%
583 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you feel about AI and LLM?
By Valeria Verona - featured on Jun 22, 2023
I'm curious 27.4%
I'm doubtful 23.7%
I'm scared 20.3%
I'm not sure what either "AI" or "LLM" means 13.2%
Other 8.0%
I'm excited 7.4%
862 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever been a victim of job ghosting?
By Christina Pauly - featured on Jun 17, 2023
I don't know what "job ghosting" is 35.2%
Yes, several times or more 22.8%
Yes, once or twice 17.4%
No 15.2%
Not sure 9.5%
835 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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You want to subscribe to email updates to something but only RSS is available. What do you do?
By Thomas T. Frost - featured on Jun 13, 2023
What is RSS? 50.7%
It has never been relevant to me 23.3%
I don't want RSS feeds for other reasons 8.0%
I just add it to my other RSS feeds 7.2%
I'm not sure how to do it but will try 4.3%
Other 4.3%
I tried in the past but gave up 2.1%
373 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In general, which comes first; breakfast or work?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 12, 2023
I do breakfast before I start work 61.9%
I start work before I have breakfast 24.2%
I don't do breakfast 8.0%
Other - N/A 3.5%
I'm not working at the moment 2.4%
425 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you check your phone notifications before you get out of bed?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 11, 2023
Yes, for all notifications 41.5%
No, never! 25.6%
Yes, for business notifications 11.0%
If I feel like it that day 10.1%
Yes, for personal notifications 6.9%
It depends on... (please share) 4.9%
347 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you read blogs or other publications related to the language services industry?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 10, 2023
No 46.5%
Yes (please share which) 32.9%
I used to, but not anymore 20.6%
630 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you feel like you have experience to share with other professionals which would benefit them?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 7, 2023
Yes, but I haven't generally shared it 34.4%
Yes, and I try to share it where I can 29.9%
I don't know 17.3%
No, not yet 9.0%
No 5.3%
Yes, and I offer organized training or mentoring to share it 4.1%
468 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Mondays, for me, tend to be...
By anonymous - featured on Jun 6, 2023
More or less the same as other days of the week 52.2%
Slower than other days of the week 28.1%
Busier than other days of the week 15.7%
Other 3.9%
540 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you eat at the computer?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 5, 2023
Very rarely 35.1%
Never 23.8%
Frequently 17.1%
...Yeah, OK, you caught me 14.3%
All the time 8.4%
Other - N/A 1.2%
572 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At the moment, I wish I had:
By anonymous - featured on Jun 3, 2023
2 - 5 new clients 43.2%
1 new client 18.5%
All of the clients, please, thank you 14.6%
5 - 10 new clients 9.6%
0 new clients 8.7%
Other - N/A 5.4%
481 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My last job was:
By anonymous - featured on Jun 2, 2023
From an established client 79.3%
From a new client 12.8%
Other - N/A 3.0%
From a new, potential client 2.8%
Through a colleague 2.0%
493 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you adjusted your rates in the first half of 2023?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 1, 2023
No, and I probably wont't 40.2%
Yes, partially 25.9%
No, but I am thinking about it / plan to 18.0%
Yes, across the board 6.4%
No, because I adjusted them not long ago 6.4%
N/A 3.3%
518 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you pay attention to how productive you are (e.g. words per hour/day)?
By anonymous - featured on May 31, 2023
Yes 50.0%
Only occasionally 31.2%
No 15.1%
I used to, but... (please share) 3.6%
548 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When was the last time you updated your CV?
By anonymous - featured on May 30, 2023
Within the past 6 months 61.0%
Some time in the past year or so 17.3%
It's been couple or a few years... or more 12.3%
I don't remember 5.7%
Other - N/A 1.5%
Never 1.4%
I don't even have a CV! 0.8%
649 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you need to troubleshoot your printer when you try to use it?
By Alaa Zeineldine - featured on May 28, 2023
Never (works every time) 31.4%
I don't use a printer 26.3%
10% of the time 26.0%
25% of the time 7.6%
50% of the time 3.0%
Every time 2.4%
75% of the time 1.8%
90% of the time 1.5%
331 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use the Mobile app?
By Thomas T. Frost - featured on May 27, 2023
No, and I have not installed it 42.1%
Yes, occasionally 15.7%
Yes, frequently 12.4%
No, but I have installed it 12.4%
Yes, rarely 10.0%
What is the Mobile app? 7.5%
492 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use a Translation Management System (TMS) to manage your work and clients?
By anonymous - featured on May 26, 2023
No 46.2%
No, and I don't see how it would be useful to me 17.7%
I'm not really sure what that is 15.9%
No, but I've thought about it 9.7%
Yes (please share) 9.5%
No, but I used to 1.0%
496 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you have clients who provide access or licenses to the CAT tool you use with them?
By anonymous - featured on May 25, 2023
Yes, more than one 52.5%
Yes, just one 20.2%
No 19.5%
N/A 5.1%
They used to, but... (please share) 2.7%
514 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My (main) CAT tool is:
By anonymous - featured on May 24, 2023
a one-time license purchase 54.7%
subscription-based 14.5%
free 13.5%
N/A 11.3%
a free version of a paid tool 6.0%
550 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Does your main CAT tool have "too many features"?
By anonymous - featured on May 23, 2023
Yes, but I don't find it problematic 40.0%
No 26.1%
Yes 18.8%
N/A 12.0%
It actually doesn't have enough... (please share) 3.2%
468 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have any of your CAT tools incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) yet?
By anonymous - featured on May 22, 2023
No 41.1%
I don't know 33.8%
Yes, and I've used it 10.7%
Yes, but I haven't used it 7.9%
N/A 6.5%
662 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much extra do you usually charge for urgent jobs (less than 24hrs delivery time)?
By Iulia Parvu - featured on May 18, 2023
I don't charge extra 48.5%
10-30% 20.1%
30-50% 13.6%
Something else (please share) 6.6%
50-70% 5.7%
Less than 10% 3.6%
Over 70% 1.9%
472 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My average output in words per day at the moment is
By anonymous - featured on May 17, 2023
2,000 - 2,500 20.4%
2,500 - 3,000 19.4%
1,500 - 2,000 15.4%
1,000 - 1,500 8.9%
Fewer than 1,000 8.7%
3,500 - 4,000 6.5%
4,000 - 5,000 5.6%
3,500 - 3,500 5.3%
Other - N/A 3.8%
More than 6,000 3.4%
5,000 - 6,000 2.6%
1099 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you found ChatGPT or similar solutions useful for anything in your work?
By anonymous - featured on May 11, 2023
I haven't tried any of them 46.4%
No 20.7%
Yes 16.5%
Not sure yet 16.3%
545 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you noticed an increase or decrease in your work volumes so far this year?
By anonymous - featured on May 10, 2023
A decrease, so far 47.8%
It has been fairly steady/within expectations 23.6%
An increase, so far 16.9%
I'm not sure yet 11.7%
580 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you reply to work-related emails and messages on weekends or holidays?
By anonymous - featured on May 9, 2023
Yes, sometimes 41.6%
Yes, always 35.7%
Not usually, no 17.7%
Not ever 4.1%
Other - N/A 0.8%
610 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The last training course I took was...
By anonymous - featured on May 8, 2023
... this year 38.7%
... so long ago I don't remember when it was 24.0%
... last year 14.4%
... two or three years ago 11.1%
... more than five years ago 7.2%
... three to five years ago 4.6%
693 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you started attending in-person work-related events again?
By anonymous - featured on May 4, 2023
I haven't attended in-person events ever, in general 33.2%
No 30.2%
Yes 24.7%
No, but I'm thinking about it 8.9%
Other - N/A 3.0%
506 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has providing sample translations on your website/profile helped you in landing new clients?
By anonymous - featured on May 3, 2023
I don't know, I haven't done that 46.3%
I'm not sure 27.2%
No, not as far as I can tell 19.6%
Yes 6.9%
536 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many icons/files do you have on your desktop right now?
By anonymous - featured on May 2, 2023
1 - 10 26.9%
11 - 20 26.9%
21 - 30 17.2%
30 - 50 10.1%
None 7.0%
More than 50 6.2%
I can't count that high 5.7%
227 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you find yourself interrupted while you are working?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 28, 2023
Occasionally 28.9%
Very often 25.2%
Somewhat often 23.8%
Not very often 13.1%
Almost never 5.9%
I don't know 1.8%
Never 1.3%
543 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How did you spend the last payment you received from a client?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 27, 2023
It went towards bills/rent/food 43.4%
I put it into savings 16.5%
I haven't spent it yet! 13.2%
I don't remember 9.0%
Other 7.7%
I used it to buy something for work 4.6%
I used it to pay off a debt 3.4%
I spent it on something "frivolous" 2.3%
613 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How did you spend the first payment you received from a client?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 25, 2023
I don't remember 37.4%
It went towards bills/rent/food 30.7%
I put it into savings 10.2%
I used it to buy something for work 9.4%
I spent it on something "frivolous" 4.5%
Other 4.1%
I used it to pay off a debt 2.3%
I haven't spent it yet! 1.4%
511 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What would you do if you were overpaid by mistake?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 24, 2023
I'd return the money 74.0%
I'd return it if they asked me to do so 9.6%
It depends on the client 8.2%
Other (please share) 6.0%
I'd keep the money 2.2%
855 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much have you increased your rates over the last two years?
By Murat Söker - featured on Apr 20, 2023
I haven't increased them at all 50.1%
1 - 10% 25.0%
11 - 25% 14.1%
I actually decreased my rates 4.9%
26 - 40% 3.0%
More than 50% 2.1%
41 - 50% 0.9%
569 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have any of your clients asked you about using ChatGPT as part of your (or their) services?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 19, 2023
No 96.4%
Yes (please share) 3.6%
561 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you been contacted by a solution provider offering ChatGPT as a translation tool?
By Claudio Machado Junior - featured on Apr 18, 2023
No 96.1%
Yes 3.9%
941 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you could go back in time, would you still be a language professional?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 13, 2023
Yes, I would 71.8%
No, I would choose a different job (please share) 20.4%
Other - N/A 7.8%
890 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these do you consider the lowest unacceptable payment term?
By Iulia Parvu - featured on Apr 10, 2023
45+ days from delivery 53.3%
Other (please share) 20.5%
30+ days from delivery 12.8%
N/A 7.6%
14+ days from delivery 5.7%
750 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which meal of the day do you like the most?
By Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida - featured on Apr 5, 2023
Breakfast 32.9%
Lunch 26.9%
Dinner 26.1%
Afternonn meal 4.5%
Other (please share) 4.4%
Supper 3.6%
Elevenses 1.6%
774 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As time goes on, it has become easier for me to market my services.
By anonymous - featured on Apr 1, 2023
Agree 32.2%
Disagree, it hasn't changed 22.9%
Disagree, it has gotten more difficult 21.8%
I don't know 19.4%
N/A 3.7%
454 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How close are you to having the amount of clients/work you want?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 31, 2023
75 - 99% 19.9%
50 - 75% 19.5%
1 - 25% 18.6%
25 - 50% 18.2%
100% 13.1%
0% 10.6%
527 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Your client sets up your account (TMS, CAT tool, etc.) and your name is misspelled. What do you do?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 30, 2023
Ask them to correct it 50.5%
Politely point it out without requesting changes 24.7%
Just ignore it 19.9%
Other - N/A 4.9%
547 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often would you say there are language-based misunderstandings with your clients?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 29, 2023
Not very often at all 52.8%
Never 26.5%
Occasionally 16.4%
N/A 2.8%
Frequently 1.4%
494 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you undertaken a specialised training in the last 3 years to increase income?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 28, 2023
No 62.0%
Yes 31.1%
Yes, more than one (please share) 6.9%
521 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your usual invoice number format?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 27, 2023
Simple sequential numbers (1, 2, 3...) 39.9%
Date + number 23.0%
Other (please share) 11.7%
Client name/initials + number 10.9%
I don't use invoice numbers 4.4%
Same as client's PO 3.5%
Date + client name/initials 3.4%
Randomly generated 3.2%
596 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In a day, how many unique sites or software where a log in is required would you say you use?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 24, 2023
1 - 5 54.0%
5 - 10 25.9%
10 - 15 8.1%
Just one 7.0%
More than 20 3.2%
15 - 20 1.8%
618 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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5920 polls, displaying 301 through 350