Translation glossary: Commercial/Legal

Showing entries 1-50 of 144
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(pour une) durée indéterminée(for an) indefinite period/term 
French to English
(toute) clause contraire(any) clause to the contrary 
French to English
abonnementservice agreement 
French to English
accord unanimeunanimous consent 
French to English
ainsi faitduly executed 
French to English
apposition de scellésaffixing of seals 
French to English
Après extinction du passifAfter paying off liabilities 
French to English
attestations d’équitéfairness opinions 
French to English
Avocat au Barreau(x) deAdmitted (to the Bar) in 
French to English
à la charge du requérant(costs) to be borne by the applicant 
French to English
à l’unanimitéunanimously; without contest 
French to English
à peine deunder penalty of 
French to English
énonciationstipulation, statement 
French to English
étant entendu que(it) being understood that 
French to English
bien fondéwell-founded 
French to English
bienfacturegood workmanship 
French to English
bonne marche (des affaires)smooth course/running/functionning (of business) 
French to English
Bureau des actes civilsRegistration Office (for births, marriages and deaths) 
French to English
Casier Judiciaire CentralCentral Police Records 
French to English
Cass. ass. plénCourt of Cassation, plenary assembly 
French to English
caution de rapatriementguarantee of repatriation 
French to English
caution judicatum solvisecurity for costs 
French to English
conditions de fondsubstantive requirements 
French to English
congé légal payéstatutory paid leave/time off 
French to English
contrat bilatéralbilaterial contract; indenture 
French to English
contrat de sociétépartnership agreement; memorandum or articles of association 
French to English
Corps des RapporteursCollege of Reporters 
French to English
correspondance univoquemany-to-one relationship 
French to English
crédit documentaire notifiéunconfirmed documentary credit; unconfirmed letter of credit 
French to English
CVAECotisation sur la Valeur Ajoutée des Entreprises – Contribution based on the value added produced 
French to English
dans toute la mesure permise par la loito the full extent permitted by law 
French to English
décès maternelmaternal death 
French to English
déclaration annuelleannual return, annual declaration 
French to English
délitmisdemeanor; minor offense 
French to English
dépôt de cautionsecurity deposit 
French to English
de fondsubstantive 
French to English
de manière irrévocableirrevocably 
French to English
de son chefin one's own right, on one's own authority 
French to English
dissolution anticipéeearly dissolution 
French to English
dissolution par anticipationearly dissolution 
French to English
donner à bailto lease, to rent 
French to English
donner en gageto pledge 
French to English
donner quitus àto discharge 
French to English
dossier de cotationrequest for quotation 
French to English
droit de timbrestamp duty 
French to English
droits d’enregistrementregistration fees/charges/taxes 
French to English
effets de commercecommercial bill/instrument/paper 
French to English
en bon père de famillein a responsible manner; properly 
French to English
en cas de contestationshould any dispute arise 
French to English
en cours de validitévalid, existing, unexpired 
French to English
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