Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Keep open clause (if relevant)

Slovak translation:

ustanovenie ohľadne otvorenia prevádzky (ak je podstatné)

Added to glossary by Igor Liba
Mar 5, 2010 10:16
14 yrs ago
English term

Keep open clause (if relevant)

English to Slovak Bus/Financial Real Estate
tak isto ako tie ostatne. To je "nadhera" prekladat tabulku a hadat co s tym autor mysli.
Change log

Mar 6, 2010 11:46: Igor Liba changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/370">ex-pat's</a> old entry - "Keep open clause (if relevant) "" to ""ustanovenie ohľadne otvorenia prevádzky (ak je podstatné)""


Igor Liba Mar 5, 2010:
otvorenie prevádzky nejde len o dodrziavanie otvaracich hodin prevadzky, ale aj o samotne otvorenie prevadzky. stava sa, ze priestor je prenajaty a prevadzka v skutocnosti "nie je aktivna" a predstavuje prazdny priestor, comu chce prenajimatel zabranit, pretoze takyto stav ma aj negativny ucinok na navstevnikov.

Proposed translations

34 mins

ustanovenie ohľadne otvorenia prevádzky (ak je podstatné)

Note added at 43 mins (2010-03-05 10:59:29 GMT)

ide o klauzulu, podla ktorej sa najomca zaviaze ponechat svoju prevadzku otvorenu; prenajimatel si takto zabezpeci, ze prenajate plochy budu aktivne vyuzivane pre ucel prenajmu

Note added at 3 hrs (2010-03-05 13:55:18 GMT)

A "Keep Open" clause is inserted into a lease to ensure that a tenant continues to trade from the leased premises during the period of the lease.

You may ask why a landlord would wish to force a tenant to trade. So long as the tenants are paying their rent where is the harm, I hear you ask. To put Keep Open clauses in context they are most commonly found in leases of units in shopping centres and, more specifically, in the lease of an anchor or flagship store. If the anchor tenant in a shopping centre is not trading it has a detrimental effect on the whole centre and, therefore, the value of the landlord's investment. Firstly, empty shop windows are offputting to customers and detract from the centre's good reputation. Secondly, the profits of other stores in a shopping centre will fall as they rely on the anchor tenant to attract customers into the centre. Finally, if the anchor store is not trading then the other tenants can rely on this fact at rent review as grounds for seeking a discounted rental level.
Peer comment(s):

agree Michal Zugec
20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Dakujem."
3 hrs

ustanovenie o nezamykaní (ak to je relevantné)

Len hádam:
niektoré priestory sa nesmú zamykať - možno z bezpečnostných dôvodov, alebo ak určitú dennú dobu musí mať prístup verejnosť,..

Note added at 3 hrs (2010-03-05 13:28:39 GMT)

alebo o nezatváraní
Note from asker:
Michal po konzultacii s autorom som sa dozvedel ze tym myslel takto: Dodrziavat klauzulu o otvaracich hodinach. (jedna sa o nakupne centrum|
Michal, Igor to dobre opisal v tom jeho dodatku. Je to klauzula ze obchody musia byt otvorene do urcitej doby.
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6 hrs

byť otvorený voči

nechať si priestor pre doplnok(y) v klauzule, dohode

Note added at 7 hrs (2010-03-05 17:16:47 GMT)

skuste si vyhladat dalej vypisat "keep on clause" a hned v prvom clanku najdete viac ako jednu moznost o com sa pise.
Vzajomny vztah a zodpovednosti medzi majitelom a tenants.

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