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Latin to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Latin term English translation
ad abundantiam ad abundantiam, although no more needs to be added
adversis reiectis after dismissing the opposing party's claims
affectio societatis affectio societatis
animus spoliendi intent to dispossess/intention to dispossess
bona fide in good faith
compensare to balance
conspirare in eum to agree regarding him
Cuius in rei testimonium litteris hisce collegi sigillo munitis In testimony of which members placed names and the University seal
diligentia quam in concreto diligentia quam in concreto
Entered by: Josephine Cassar
disparitas cultus disparity of worship
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
dum taxat singuli singulas Naturally, (to be cont´d below....)
Ejusdem Of the same (section)/ Ibidem
erga omnes towards all
Entered by: Vicky Papaprodromou
et iura omnia ad hunc gradum pertinentia all rights, pertaining to this degree
ex-lege by law
fautoribus latioris by the promoters of this more lax/loose way
Entered by: Nina Storey
ferae naturae, mansuetae naturae wild, tame
Forum et Jus The Law and its jurisdiction
Frustra Probatur Quod Probatum Non Relevat It is vain to prove that which if proved would not aid the matter in question
iuridicae doctoris of a Doctor of Juridical (Science)
La causa petendi Cause of the claims
Entered by: patinba
maleficum maléfico, malevolent, evil
norma agendi the standard way to perform
omnibus litterarum studiosis to all scholars of literature
Entered by: Nick Lingris
ord. h. t. ordinarius hoc tempore/hoc titulo
ordinis h.t. hoc tempore
Entered by: Lota
pars victa the defeated party
propaedeutica etc. rudiments/preliminary education
Propaedeutus preliminary/elementary instructor
Entered by: Lota
quod certe non which is (certainly) not the case
Quote by Cicero about moral law (too long for title) On the laws
salutem in Domino sempiternam may the Lord ever preserve and keep you
superficies solo cedit the surface yields to the ground
Entered by: Karl Apsel
ultra et infra petita ultra et infra petita
ut alter ego as a second (another) self
[name] secundi honoris academici candidatum [ad gradum .... second academic honors
Entered by: Natasa Ikodinovic
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