The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

немецкий => английский Геология Translation Glossary

немецкий term английский translation
Granite sind richtungslos ohne Bänderung strukturiert und schwarz gesprenkelt Granite structures are irregular, contain no foliation and are black mottled.
Entered by: Giulia D'Ascanio
Grauwacken greywacke
gravitative Massenbewegung gravitational mass movements
Entered by: Paula Price
Grundbruch, Geländebruch Shear failure, sliding
Grundgebirgsaufbruch basement uplift
Grundwasseraufschluss groundwater exposure (point)
Grundwasserstandsganglinie groundwater hydrograph
grusiges Verwitterungsschutt grus-like detrital waste
halbgespannt semi-confined
Hangende roof
Haut (Hauterivium) Hauterivian
Hebungen und Senkungen des Erdmantels rising and sinking of Earth's mantle
Hochgebiet highlands
Hochlagenaufforstung high altitude afforestation
Entered by: Paula Price
Horizont horizon, layer
in bergfrischem Zustand field-fresh sample
industriell industrial
IOSR (Werte) Incremental Oil/Steam Ratios (IOSR)
k.ABW no deviation measurements
Kalkverwitterungsgebiet karst region
Karrenfeld clint, grike
Kern core
Kernansprache core (geological) description
Kernmarsch cored section
Kernstoppel bit matrix
Knickmarsch old coastal/tidal marsh (\"Knickmarsch\")/older decalcified soil with a dense clayey layer
komatiitisch komatiitic
kompetent competent
konkordant accordant; concordant; parallel; conformable
Korngroßenanalysen grain size analysis/analyses
Entered by: Paula Price
Krafteintragungsstrecken load transfer lengths
Kulmplattenkalk platy limestone (Culm)/Culm platy limestone
LAK LCPC abrasion coefficient (LAC)
Lattenablesung rod reading
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Lavarollerde volcanic scree
Leineschotter Leine gravels
Liman liman
limoneus / schluffig silty / loamy
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Linsen lens
Entered by: Thomas Roberts
Linsen und Schmitzen Lenses and pods
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