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Danish to English Medical: Dentistry Translation Glossary

Danish term English translation
til fj. af ekstraorale suturer. for removal of extraoral sutures
trandsten. Paro: # calculus. Periodontic:
1 flade one surface
af enorale rtg. opt. oral X-rays
affræsning milling (away/off)
aflastining ved 5+ imod sulcus vertical releasing incision at the upper right second premolar towards the sulcus
aflastning decompression
autologi chips autologous (bone) chips
økonomisk ordination af lægemidler economical prescription of drugs
egne tænder +/+ Own upper and lower teeth (or own teeth +/+)
Entered by: Helen Johnson
el. kaebekirurg. oral surgeon
frirouginering degloving
Entered by: David Rumsey
gåes til UK Proceed with the lower jaw...
I. a. NAD - Nothing abnormal detected
indheling healing
isninger cold sensitive teech
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
Jr. kopi samt enorale rtg. opt. Copy of the chart as well as the oral X-ray pictures
KECB40 reposition ... af proc. "...repositioning of the alveolar process..."
knoglesvind bone loss
kontinuationen continuation (sheet)
Kontinuitetsbrud crack of continuity
meticillinresistente staf. aureus methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
mistanke om proc. alveolarisfrakt. suspected fracture of the alveolar region (processus alveolaris)
og svaelg mhp, and throat with regard to / in order to test for
osteosyntesematr. osteosynthetic material / implant
osteosyntesematr. over hø. overmund osteosynthesis material over the top of the right (hand) side of the mouth
overbid ... med tæt på gane påbid horizontal overbite.... deep bite w. intercuspidation close to the palate
patbelob sfubelob patient's amount, insurance's amount
perikymatierne perikymata
pocher pockets
RAR behandling residual alveolar ridge (RAR) treatment
Entered by: David Rumsey
RDU fea 26 år regular diagnostic examination from the age of 26 years and up
rod distalt root distally
rodhindespalte Periodontal fissure
rougineres facialt elevated facially
sammenbid med forhøjet kontakt i occlusion with raised contacts
supl. m. rp. tabl. Pamol 1 g x 4 p.n. supp. with action: Pamol tabl., 1 g x 4 a night
tandforhold: teeth
tandforskydning tooth displacement (or: dental luxation)
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
TF Tandfilm DF Dental Film
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