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Danish to English Insurance Translation Glossary

Danish term English translation
for så vidt angår as regards
fra ÅAS from Århus Amtssygehus (Århus County Hospital)
klammer brackets
afgangsføring run-off cancellation
afløbsforsikring tail or ERP cover
Entered by: Helen Johnson
afløbsperiode runoff period
afløbsskade run-off loss
agt. agent
apteringsforsikringer (comprehensive) active and constructive total loss of the vessel proviso in yacht insurance policy
åndethed difficulty in breathing and/or dyspnoea
årsrejse annual travel
økonomiløb eco-rally
bilsavn Replacement vehicle
bygn fejl astigmatism, structural eye defect
CPR Nr. Central Population Registry number
dækningsberettiget covered
Entered by: Barbara Østergaard
depotregnskab safe custody account statement
Depotsikring deposit protection
ejerskifteforsikring change of ownership insurance
F.s.v.a. with reference to
Førerpladsdækning Driver injury cover
FØP Førtidspension [early retirement pension with disability]
Entered by: Helen Johnson
fleksjob subsidised job
Entered by: Helen Johnson
fordre demand or require, to exact
Entered by: Christine Andersen
forsikring bring-in erhverv bring-in (service) insurance, business
forsikring bring-in erhverv insurance,
Forsikringsaftaleloven Danish Insurance Contracts Act
forsikringshændelse insured event
Entered by: David Rumsey
Forsikringspolitik policy regarding insurance
fremregne to estimate / to project insurance policy risk / estimated projection of insurance risk
Friholdt vaerdi Paid-up value
Entered by: Neil Crockford
fripoliceydelse paid-up policy benefit
Friskade no-claim accident
Fritstillelse release (from contract)
Fuld og endelig betaling Full and final settlement
Entered by: Neil Crockford
fysiurgisk klinik physiurgic clinic
genopfyldningsret right to reinstatement
Gruppeerhvervsevnetab group insured for compensation based on loss of earning capacity
har tilbagelagt følgende forsikrings eller beskæftiglsesperioder for følgende yd xx has covered the following insurance or employment periods for the following amount
i kursen from the current price / market value
Entered by: Helen Johnson
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