French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad » General fields

French to Portuguese Tech/Engineering mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Art/Literary mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Medical mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Law/Patents mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Science mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Bus/Financial mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Marketing mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Other mga manghuhubad (0)
French to Portuguese Social Sciences mga manghuhubad (0)

French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad » Specific fields

French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Accounting
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Advertising / Public Relations
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Agriculture
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Livestock / Animal Husbandry
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Anthropology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Archaeology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Architecture
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Astronomy & Space
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Asylum/Migration/Displacement
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Finance (general)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Automation & Robotics
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Botany (338)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Construction / Civil Engineering
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Business/Commerce (general)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Poetry & Literature
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama (1858)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Telecom(munications)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Computers (general)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Computers: Hardware
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Computers: Software
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Computers: Systems, Networks
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Law: Contract(s)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Cooking / Culinary
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Cosmetics, Beauty
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Medical: Dentistry
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Media / Multimedia
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Economics
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Education / Pedagogy
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Electronics / Elect Eng
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Energy / Power Generation
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Engineering (general)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Engineering: Industrial
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Nuclear Eng/Sci
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Environment & Ecology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Esoteric practices
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Fisheries
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Folklore
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Food & Drink
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Forestry / Wood / Timber
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Furniture / Household Appliances
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Gambling/Casino/Bets
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Mining & Minerals / Gems
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Genealogy
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Genetics
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Geography
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Geology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Government / Politics
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Medical: Health Care
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: History
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Tourism & Travel
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Human Resources
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Human rights
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Insurance
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: International Org/Dev/Coop
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Internet, e-Commerce
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Investment / Securities
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Metallurgy / Casting
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: IT (Information Technology)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Journalism
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Real Estate
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Law (general)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Law: Taxation & Customs
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: LGBTQ
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Linguistics
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Management (744)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Manufacturing
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Ships, Sailing, Maritime
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Market Research
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Marketing
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Massages/Reflexology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Mathematics & Statistics
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Medical (general)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Medical: Cardiology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Medical: Instruments
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Medical: Oncology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Meteorology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Metrology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Military / Defense
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Music
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Names (personal, company) (334)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Nutrition
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Petroleum Eng/Sci
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Other
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Paper / Paper Manufacturing
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Patents
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Philosophy
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Physics
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Printing & Publishing
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Psychology
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Religion
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Retail
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Safety
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: SAP
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Science (general)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Slang
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (1068)
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Surveying
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Veterinary
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Water resources management
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
French to Portuguese mga manghuhubad: Zoology

French to Portuguese translators and interpreters

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Identity Verified   Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
  30+ years translating EU documents
Português, falante nativo, Português europeu, Inglês, Francês, Espanhol, Italiano, tradutor sénior, tradutora sénior, grande experiência, alta qualidade, flexibilidade, transcriação, revisor, revisão, terminologia, tradutor, serviços de tradução, traduções, SIDA, publicidade, Angola, terapia antirretroviral, Cabo Verde, direitos da criança, ensaios clínicos, comércio, Comité das Regiões, cooperação e desenvolvimento, cultura, economia, ecologia, EDCTP, educação, CEDEAO, CESE, emprego, ambiente, ética, alargamento da UE, assuntos europeus, políticas da UE, Comité Económico e Social Europeu, Comissão Europeia, Parlamento Europeu, relações externas, pesca e aquicultura, tradutor independente, jornalismo, JRC, igualdade de género, LGBT, Guiné, proteção da saúde e do consumidor, VIH, eletrodomésticos, recursos humanos, direitos humanos, direito (geral), malária, gestão, Marketing, estudos de mercado, medicina, dispositivos médicos, Moçambique, boletins de informação, política, países africa ... Portuguese
4571 points
French to Portuguese
  Gil Costa
  La traduction, une passion !
tradutor, tradução, traducteur, traduction, tradução técnica, traduction spécialisée, traduction générale, revisão, relecture, Português, Portugais, Francês, Français, actes de l'état civil, acte de naissance, certidão de nascimento, certificado de habilitações, carta rogatória, commission rogatoire, diploma. diplôme, divórcio, divorce, despacho saneador, décision d'instruction, jugements, sentenças, decisões judiciais, documentos jurídicos, documents juridiques, turismo, tourisme, psicologia, psychologie, auto de interrogatório, auto de inquirição, procès-verbal, médecine, medicina, Código do Processo Penal, Code de Procédure Pénale, poder paternal, autorité parentale, pensão de alimentos, pension alimentaire, accusé(e), prévenu(e), défendeur, défenderesse, réu, ré, arguido(a), Ministério Público, Parquet, autor(a), demandeur, demanderesse, requérant(e), queixoso(a), plaignant(e), pacto social, peine d'emprisonnement, pena de prisão, testemunha(s), témoin(s), saúde, santé, statuts d'e ... Portuguese
4064 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Luís Hernan Mendoza
  In search of the right word!
French into Brazilian Portuguese + Professional Translator, Français vers Portugais Brésilien + Traducteur Professionnel, Francês para Português do Brasil + Tradutor Profissional, Human Sciences, Sciences Humaines, Ciências Humanas, Tourism, Tourisme, Turismo, Environment, Environnement, Meio Ambiente, Human Resources, Ressources Humaines, Recursos Humanos, Corporate Communication, Communication d'Entreprise, Comunicação Corporativa, Interpreting, Interprétation, Interpretação, 19 years of experience, 19 ans d'expérience, 19 anos de experiência ... Portuguese
1299 points
French to Portuguese
  A good expression, a good impression!
Translation and Revision, Subtitling, Terminology, Glossary and Termbase Creation ... Portuguese
1200 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Martine COTTARD
  Top quality at the best price
traductrice portugais français, traduction portugais français, traducteur portugais français, Real Estate, immobilier, imobiliário, intérprete português francês, região leiria, interprète portugais français région leiria, comprar casa, achat maison portugal, achat appartement portugal, acquisition immobilier, marché immobilier au portugal, marché immobilier portugais, démarches, mairie, mariage, état civil, notaire, escritura, acte authentique, compromis de vente, acte de vente, acte notarié, acte sous seing privé, authentification, officialisation, certification conforme, negociações, négociations, nazaré, alcobaça, são martinho do porto, s'installer au Portugal, vivre au Portugal, travelling, tourism, voyages, tourisme, turismo, reliable, French native translator, camping, restauration, menus, ementas, brochures, flyers, catalogues, cahier des charges, caderno de encargos, appel d'offres, contratos, contrats, acte de naissance, mariage, certidão nascimento, casamento, certidão perman ... French
720 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Ana Vozone
  Will do!
Portuguese, native speaker, European Portuguese, English, French, translator, translations, proofreader, proofreading, experienced, since 1979, EU matters, social affairs, cooperation and development, fragile countries, peace and security, gender, gender issues, policies and administration of the EU, external relations, commerce, EU enlargement, finance project, culture, employment, social, education, training, vocational training, youth, health and consumer protection, EMEA, EUROPOL, ECB, European Commission, European Parliament, Marketing, financial, finances, annual reports, investor relations, corporate governance, corporate responsibility, compliance, competition, state aids, press releases, e-letters, household appliances, courier services, AIDS, HIV, ART, malaria, lotteries, population census, market surveys, employee surveys, educational DVDs, freelance, European Portuguese, Portuguese speaking African countries, PALOP, Angola, Mozambique, Moçambique, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, Gu ... Portuguese
568 points
French to Portuguese
  Mariana Moreira
  Accurate, experienced and reliable
High quality, flexibility, timeliness, localization, medical, financial, wines, translation, interpretation, Portuguese, english, german, spanish, French, trados, multilingual project managing, ATA, ECB, IMF, OECD ... Portuguese
567 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Roger Chadel
  Specializing in IT and Finance
Accounting, audit, finance, software, manuals, reports, computer technology, brazilian Portuguese, comptabilité, logiciel, informatique, portugais brésilien, portugais du brésil ... French/Portuguese
389 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Edna Almeida
  Always quality translations.
Translation, interpretation and proofreading services provided in the areas of Economics, IT, law, Marketing, medicine (general), technical, Telecom(munications) and tourism. I have also translated several websites. Provision of Portuguese language tuition. ... Portuguese
329 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   tierri pimpao
   Universitaire et Traducteur Interprète
portugais, français, anglais, bilingue, juridique economique, brésil, portugal, france, naval, português, francês, juridico, frança, angola, educaçao, brasil, traduçao, traduction, aix-en-provence, massy, marne-la-vallée, palaiseau, marseille, toulon, avignon, marselha, nice, montpellier, lyon, interprete, cannes, traductor, aeronautico, aeronautique, grenoble, geneve, toulouse, conferencia, conference, paris, tradutor, traducteur, tradutora, traductrice, lingua, langue, paca, provence, rhone, alpes, cote, azur, herault, languedoc, roussillon, bresilien, bresilienne, mozambique, cap-vert, nimes, arles, monaco, lille, dijon, nantes, bordeaux, gironde, bruxelles, sao tomé, timor, sous-titrage, doublage, strasbourg, estrasburgo, liege, clermont-ferrand, lisboa, lisbonne, porto, lille, alsace, besançon, chambéry, annecy, conferencia, reunion, reuniao, interpretation, interpretariat, interpretaçao, interpretariado, consecutif, consecutive, consecutivo, consecutiva, simultanea, simultaneo, s ... Portuguese/French
305 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Cristina Pereira
  translator + journalist=flawless writing
ciências sociais, desenvolvimento, TI, software, Marketing, distribuição, comércio, retalho, produção, União Europeia, ONU, Nações Unidas, ONG, gestão, economia, cosmética, social sciences, development, IT, Retail, Manufacturing, European Union, United Nations, UN, NGO, Management, economy, cosmetics, sciences sociales, développement, logiciels, commerce, détail, production, Union Européenne, Nations Unies, ciencias sociales, desarollo, comercio, detallista, producción, Unión Europea, Naciones Unidas, gestión ... Portuguese
241 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Sara Sousa Soares
  Also a copywriter
advertising, general consumption, communication, events, design, arts, print, media, Marketing, public relations, letters, certificates, business, internet, websites, brochures, manuals, ads, packaging, books, literature, culture, travel, gastronomy, oenology, culinary, History, Geography, Architecture, construction, environment, energy, recycling, sustainability, transport, beauty, cosmetics, fashion, science, medical, pharmaceuticals, engineering, industry, automotive, technology, legal, contracts, social, sociology, Psychology, recreation, sports, Music ... Portuguese
156 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Artur Jorge Martins
  Affordable high quality and dedication
translator, translation services, high quality, english to Portuguese, French to Portuguese, spanish to Portuguese, français-portugais, español para portugués, software, information technologies, defence, military, videogames, localization, quality service, Websites, Web pages, fast service, website localization, software localization, History, tourism, défence, forces armées, histoire, manuel de logiciel, services de traduction, grande qualité, anglais-portugais, espagnol-portugais, tradutor, serviços de tradução, manuais de software, videojogos, localização de software, sítios Web, páginas Web, defesa, forças armadas, história, turismo, inglês-português, francês-português, espanhol-português ... Portuguese
156 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Mauro Lando
  25 years as interpreter, former AIIC
Interpreter: English, French, Spanish, Italian > Brazilian Portuguese Oil&Gas engineering, Petroleum, Brazil's electric sector, polymers, petrochemicals, tenso-actives, automotive. ... Portuguese
152 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Madalena Ribeiro
  24 years of experience
Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Advertising / Public Relations, Business/Commerce (general), Cooking / Culinary, Finance (general), Food & Drink, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, Petroleum Eng/Sci, Human Resources, Economics, Engineering (general), Investment / Securities, Law (general), Marketing, International Org/Dev/Coop, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Computers: Software, Gaming/Video-games/E-sports, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Electronics / Elect Eng, Management, Retail, Telecom(munications), Medical: Instruments, Medical (general), Medical: Health Care, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Law: Contract(s), Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Cosmetics, Beauty ... Portuguese
138 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Sindia Alves
  La fiabilité est mon maître-mot
português, francês, portugais, français, traduction, tradução, construction, construção, BTP, juridique, jurídico, financier, financeiro, contrat, contrato, pacto social, statuts, assentos, actes, naissance, mariage, nascimento, casamento, óbito, décès, diplomas, diplômes, contas, comptes, demonstrações, états, relatório, rapport, certificação, certification, legal, légal, contabilidade, comptabilité ... Portuguese/French
109 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Carla Lopes
  Translating is my life
honesty, efficiency, professional, productive, available, quick, careful, attentive, reliability, Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan, Catalan, Internet, Law, Medicine, General, literature, Technical, Telecom(munications), Technologies, IT, Software, Hardware, Industry, Mechanics, Marketing, Financial, confidenciality, Arts, TRADOS, CAT, Studio 2011 ... Portuguese
107 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Rui Domingues
  Working on EU Affairs since 2008
EU Institutions, Economics, finance, translation, Portuguese, French, english, spanish, Portugal, EU Affairs, European Parliament, Studio 2021, translator, reviser, European Commission, CDT Europe, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Human rights, environment, United Nations, law, european Portuguese, DGT, EU, European Commission, ... Portuguese
93 points
French to Portuguese
  Marco Santos
  Traducteur technique et interprète
Interprete, interprete portugais, interprete portugues, interprete frances, interprete frances portugues, traducteur, tradutor, tradutor portugues, tradutor frances, tradutor frances portugues, ajuramentado, certificado, assermenté, ingles, portugues, frances, anglais, portugais, français, paris, lyon, lille, Portugal, frança, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Bruxelles, Nantes, Orléans, Nice, Luxembourg, Suisse, Belgique, grenoble ... French/Portuguese
87 points
French to Portuguese
  Vanessa Santos
  Bilingual French & Portuguese Translator
translation service, service de traduction, serviços de tradução, servicio de traducción, French, français, francês, francés, Portuguese, portugais, português, portugues, spanih, espagnol, espanhol, español, website transltion, traduction de site internet, tradução de websites, tourism, tourisme, turismo, fast, rapide, rápido, rapido, service, media, Journalism, serious, sérieux, sério, serio, bilingual, bilingue, available, disponible, disponível, translator, tradutor, traducteur, taductor, traduction, tradução, translation, traduccion, ... French/Portuguese
86 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Paula Amaral
  Translator (1988) | Subtitler (2012)
Portuguese, French, English, Translation, Translator, Subtitling, Subtitler, SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ, European Portuguese Translator, European Portuguese Subtitler, Portugal, English to Portuguese Translator, French to Portuguese Translator, Iberian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Website Localization, Portugais, Français, Anglais, Traduction, Traducteur, Traductrice, Sous-Titrage, Sous-Titreuse, Portugais Européen, Português, Francês, Inglês, Tradução, Tradutor, Tradutora, Legendagem, Legendador, Legendadora, ... Portuguese
75 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Neyf Almeida
  Translator & Copywriter (EN/DE/PT/ES/FR)
IP (intellectual property), Translation, Localization, Editing, Proofreading, Bilingual Review, QA, Technical Translation, Linguistic Review, Transcreation, Portuguese, English, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Swiss German, Austrian German, French, Italian Spanish, Patent, Law, Legal, Engineering, IT, Software, Business, Finance, Marketing, Igaming, Casino, Gaming, Technical Translator, Professional Translator, Certified Translator, Senior Translator, CAT Tools, Trados, SDL, MemoQ, Memsource, Across, Darjeeling, Passolo, Catalyst, Xbench, English to Portuguese, German to Portuguese, French to Portuguese, Spanish to Portuguese, English to Spanish, German to Spanish, French to Spanish, Portuguese to Spanish, Italian to Portuguese, Italian to Spanish, Intellectual Property, Trademark Law, Copyright Law, Patent Litigation, Competition Law, Business, Commerce, Finance, Banking, Investment, Securities, Accounting, Financial Reporting, General Terms and Conditions, Data Privacy, GDPR, Handel, F ... Portuguese
68 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Isabel Vidigal
  Full-time translator since 2003
French, Portuguese, English, Spanish, Law, Ecology, Environment, Environnement, Meio Ambiente, Jurídico, Agreement, Contratos, Sistema de Qualidade, Quality System documentation, Financial, Education, Travel, Tourism, Traduction, Traducteur, traductions, système de qualité, Marketing, Management, ecologie, ecology, ISO 9000, translation, translations, tradução, français, portugais, brésilien, tourisme, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutique, food, gastronomy, culinary, cooking, Nutrition, restaurants, catering, medical, moda, fashion, high end market, mode, haute-couture, fashion brands, marcas famosas, cosméticos, cosmetiques, cosmetic industry, parfums, perfumes, perfume, fragrance, pret-à-porter, estilista, stylist, styliste, design, designer, fashion week, fashion show, fashion catwalk, beauty industry, gourmet, culinary, cookery, cuisine, restaurant, restaurante, hotel, culinaire, recipes, recette, recettes, receita, receitas, culinary tourism, cozinha, comida, alimentos, ingredientes, in ... Portuguese
58 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Elisabete Cunha
  Breaking language barriers
Translation, proofreading, revision, fast, accurate, competent, efficient, cinema, TV, documentaries, law, IT, social sciences, Psychology, Marketing, publicity, education, mithology, legends, guides, handbook, contract, terms and conditions, letter, site, games, localization, websites, Safety, environment, cosmetics, air conditioning, medical, pharmaceutical, instruments, civil construction, literature, proofreading, revision, aquariums, fish, animals, livestock, tourism, localization, websites, agreements, IT, computer, notebook, appliances, net, online games, videogames, consoles, fast, efficient, professional, quick, accurate ... Portuguese
58 points
French to Portuguese
Identity Verified   Carla Guerreiro
  French/Portuguese and English/Portuguese
france-portugal traduction portugais traductrice portugaise traductrice langue portugaise pays de langue portugaise commerce publicité mode transports cinéma et musique arts géographie traductions techniques éducation ... Portuguese
58 points
French to Portuguese
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