Kind words from members

Testimonials and success stories from current paying members.

Member stories

Story #8 (Translator)
" I am not actually sure how I found It was only in late August, as I browsed the Internet looking for ways to make the transition from being a journalist who did a lot of translation to becoming a freelance translator who is also a journalist. Like most, I was unsure about paying for membership, but I worked out in a matter of hours that it was at least worth a try. Within little more than a week, I had got my investment back in business, and has since brought me generous returns.

I have used the site for training, I love KudoZ and have by now got over 100 points, and - perhaps most importantly, since it is what I wanted to get from the site in the first place - it has brought me seven clients, most of whom are by now steady clients and have granted me business worth many times my annual membership fee.

I have come this far in just over three months. I still can't quite believe it, and I obviously don't want to stop there! I am confident that will bring me many more clients, and that it will remain a reliable companion for me in the effort to develop the translation skills I know I have into a freelance translation business which other people know and value too.
Veronica Sardon
Member since Aug '12

Story #1 (Translator)
" I discovered surfing the Internet in 2003. It was a bad period for my career, the business where I had been working for 20 years as translator/interpreter shut down in 2002. Fortunately I never stopped translating and teaching in the evenings and at weekends, but at that time it was not enough. I was able to get more hours as teacher of French, Italian and English in a school near my town, but the salary was low and just not enough.

Fortunately I discovered, so I immediately became a member and started to reply to job offers. In less than a month I was overloaded with translation projects. At the moment I am so busy that I had to leave my teaching post. Now, thanks to I have many good clients all over the world.

I also recommended to some colleagues of mine, who are now also satisfied members.
Thanks to my dream of becoming a full-time freelance translator has come true, together with a good income. What can I add? Thanks a lot for running the site.
Angie Garbarino
Member since Dec '03

Story #2 (Translator)
" I started in as a guest member in 2003, but in two years, I only had four jobs. I was not sure of becoming a member, because I thought nobody could guarantee me getting more jobs. However, I "took the risk" and this year I have dozens of jobs from all around the world! Before I was forced to add glossary terms in order to get Browniz points and thus pay each time I wanted to apply for a job. Now, I do not have to do that, so I can virtually apply to any job I want. I also noticed that some clients to whom I wrote whilst being a guest member, and who never offered me a job, started doing so. The good thing is that those customers continue calling me, from places such as England, the US, Australia, Hong Kong, etc. I paid for my membership with the second or third job. At present, I am the breadwinner of my family thanks to you. I am also thinking of opening a very small agency cause I cannot handle so much work. Thank you, PROZ! "
Cristina Heraud-van Tol
Member since Nov '05

Story #4 (Outsourcer)
" Using over the years has helped us to become the largest community of translators and translation agencies. Over the years it has not only become a place for sharing jobs, but a meeting point for language professionals over the world. The community has became an icon in the industry. "
Member since Jun '03

Story #3 (Translator)
" When I discovered the first time I was skeptical. I did not understand fully how it could bring advantages to my business. For some months I kept an eye on it and finally decided to try at least once to be a member. Since then, I have lived day after day together with, from morning to evening, browsing through the posted jobs and the announcements, and meeting new colleagues. I cannot explain how much my life changed: From an isolated situation, in the midst of the events, from wondering how to move in the business, to grasping the challenges, from hunting for colleagues, to being surrounded by a lot of new friends. I adore! "
Mariella Bonelli
Member since Sep '04

Story #4 (Translator)
" There I was lost in the world without a clue as to where my career was headed until I found proz's website for translators. My success today is living proof of's success.

It has been my window to the world of translator jobs. After graduation my career would have ended before ever taking off had it not been for

I have been able to soar to new heights in the field of translation thanks for the most part due to, its founder, staff, kudoz, forums, rates and interaction with fellow translators.

Please accept my gratitude for all your efforts in helping me to become successful in my career. I much enjoy your website and its activities.

Kudos to and may you keep climbing the ladder of success as you have helped others do the same.
Zeinab Asfour
Member since Dec '05

Have a success story you would like to share? Please send it to us.