The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

голландский => английский Юриспруденция (в целом) Translation Glossary

голландский term английский translation
T&C Sr Tekst & Commentaar Strafrecht (NL)
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
te horen verklaren to have declared
tegennummer (call) recipient number / dialed number / called number
Tegenspraak (crim.) adjudged after full adversary trial (civ.) inter partes; [E&W] contentious business
tegensprekelijke vaststelling contested finding
tekengemachtigde person authorized to sign
tekortschieten in that she would be found wanting in the upbringing
tekstargument textual argument
telastegelegde periode during the period stated in the charge
ten eerste Section 11, subsection 1, letter a(1)
tenlasteneming/ten laste nemen cost bearing/to bear costs [of]
ter inleidingszitting weerhouden te worden the case shall be tried at the preliminary hearing
ter instructie van de zaak for preparation of the case for trial
terbeschikkingstelling placement under a hospital order
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
tergend en roekeloos geding provocative and reckless proceedings/case
terstond schriftelijk te worden herhaald immediately reduced to writing
terugnameplicht take-back obligation
tijdige en verantwoord gegeven aanwijzingen timely and responsible instructions given
Toelatingsverzoek Admission application
toepasselijke bepalingen te ontbinden dissolve applicable provisions/stipulations
toescheiden to apportion or assign
toetsingsinkomen means test income, means-tested income
Topiek argumentation, topica
tot bewijs toelaten allow [the claimant] to give evidence
Entered by: dmesnier
tot het bedrag van twee punten van het liquidatietarief two points on the (tariff) scale
tot inbreng gehouden bound to bring into hotchpot/ch
tot persistit to abide by one's argument
Tot referte! the demand/claim will not be disputed
Entered by: Albert Stufkens
tot stand komen has not been arrived at
transponeringstabel correlation table
treurniet besluitenlijst Treurniet List of Resolutions
Troostbrief comfort letter
turbospoedappel super fast-tracked appeal
tussenkomst van de rechter without any recourse to the courts being required
TvA Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage
Tweetrapsmaking fideicommissum
U E.A. U Edelachtbare
U.A. with excluded liability
Entered by: Robert Kleemaier
uit een dubbeltal from a double list of nominations / from two nominees
uitgesproken pronounced (judgement against the latter)
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