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Search results: (715 matches)
French comment débuter Plus d'info sur votre profile peut etre Si vous etes specialiste en quelque chose, vos
future clients veut bien savoir en quoi vous avez
travailler. Et votre nom et peut etre un peut
bizarre, mais bon ca c'est que mon opini
Edward Vreeburg Sep 1, 2009
German Bezahlung über Paypal schon 7 Jahren Paypal - ohne Problemen Ich habe schon 7 Jahren ein Paypal konto, und gar
kein Problemen. Nur 1 mahl ein "phishing" bericht
entvangen, und habe PayPal direct davon
informiert. Auch 1 mahl Problemen mit die
Edward Vreeburg Aug 31, 2009
Business issues Is there a translation SILLY SEASON? strange... For me June - July is generally very slow, and
then Augst is a killer month again... I used to
have some time to breath in the first quarter of
the year, but it seems nowadays my clients
Edward Vreeburg Aug 28, 2009 suggestions My suggestion is to set a limit of questions a member may ask without contributing some other suggestions here:
_or_rotten_apples.html if the forum is
dominated by lazy translators, or cheap ones, it
might just kill itself... === Ed
Edward Vreeburg Aug 27, 2009
Subtitling Subtitling prices - what is the minimum? that is a big investment!! With "normal" prices at least twice or three times
that amount, you are being asked to make a big
investment for possible future work (which does
not pay a lot to begin with). Depending o
Edward Vreeburg Aug 27, 2009
Dutch Vertaling nederlandse aanbestedingen tsja, commercieel denken hè.. Het is een openbare aanbesteding, bij TED krijg je
gratis een alert, en vele andere sites hebben een
betaaldienst om geinformeerd te worden over
aanbestedingen... Er is ongetwijfeld vra
Edward Vreeburg Aug 26, 2009
Money matters What is one to do when the agency is trying to change the terms of payment? from their point of view... Do you have a modified PO for this too (or only an
email) Last time I had an "ok" from a project
manager I called back to make sure, it surprised
me a lot they just accepted a rate whic
Edward Vreeburg Aug 25, 2009
Money matters Another rant about bad pricing practice they will pay in the end.. ...,I've seen a UK agency posting jobs to Dutch
recently (3 times over the past few weeks) and
they seem to be unable to find any candidates, but
they blue board rating has gone down consi
Edward Vreeburg Aug 24, 2009
Money matters Another rant about bad pricing practice add country in alert email? [quote]Manuela Junghans wrote: ...willing or
can afford to work for the Chinese or Indian
markets (no offence intended here) ... Manuela
[/quote] Maybe adding a line in the alert
Edward Vreeburg Aug 24, 2009
Dutch Vertaling nederlandse aanbestedingen en als het nu publieke documenten zijn m.a.w. je vertaalt de documenten nog voordat je
een opdrachtgever hebt en verkoopt vervolgens de
vertaling aan alle belangstellenden... daar moet
ergens een markt voor zijn, toch...? Ov
Edward Vreeburg Aug 19, 2009
Dutch master translation amsterdam Try this Take a look
opleidingen.html Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -
Master ICT en Vertalen Ruim eenjarige (1 jaar en
3 maanden) vertaalop
Edward Vreeburg Aug 19, 2009
Dutch Is het nou echt crisis? klanten opvoeden... Tsja, meestal heeft het weinig zin, maar ik
reageer wel, met normale "market rate" tarieven,
gewoon om de klant te vertellen dat ze echt veel
te laag zitten met hun bedragen... Als ik pri
Edward Vreeburg Aug 19, 2009
Dutch Vertaling nederlandse aanbestedingen Hi iedereen, Sommige klanten komen nog wel
eens met Nederlandse aanbestedingen die vertaald
moeten worden naar het Engels zodat een
internationale partner een offerte kan
Edward Vreeburg Aug 19, 2009
Business issues Own name or company name for website? what does it look like? Does not strike me
immediately as a French English translation
agency, Rather something in Arabia. If I know
I'm looking for your details it's fine, but If I
Edward Vreeburg Aug 18, 2009
French Traduire et faire des traductions beaucoup quand même Ca dépend, J’ai travaillé dans des agences
ou 1 erreur par 1000 mot est acceptable, mais
aussi pour lesquelles ou le standard est 1 erreur
par 10.00 mot, 9 erreurs sur 2700 mots me
Edward Vreeburg Aug 13, 2009
Getting established Looking for a job, here, there, everywhere.. mass mails and resumes , straight to the bin I usually send out reminders of my holidays and
other important news to my clients on individual
basis, in their language (fremch, german, dutch or
english), just a simple text with their
Edward Vreeburg Aug 13, 2009
Getting established How much should a student charge? student rates? I don't think so.. You are either going to
provide excellent translations or you will not be
contacted again for a repeat job. This means you
A) put in a lot of hours and get it right o
Edward Vreeburg Aug 13, 2009
Getting established Getting freelance (or in-house) work in Spain Start here? Hi Lynsey, Well, you can start
nslator-jobs.html or here
... (fancy NYC?) Best thing is probably check
Edward Vreeburg Aug 10, 2009
Business issues What made you become a translator in the first place ? It was that or a restaurant... ... I was fed up with Informatics.. I was living
near Paris and I was continually speaking French,
German, English and Dutch, so it was either
opening an international cuisine restaurant
Edward Vreeburg Aug 5, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? @Rotwein [quote]Rotwein wrote: The worst translators in
the business don't even bother to ask Kudoz
questions. They sell their cheap, low quality
translation without wasting their time on postin
Edward Vreeburg Jul 30, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? The answer is "NO"... or is it... [quote]Rotwein wrote: If the answer to all of
these questions is "no", I suggest you just don't
do those things : don't open Kudoz questions,
don't read them and by all means "don't ans
Edward Vreeburg Jul 30, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? good ideas! Of course I only answer questions when I have the
time, in the beginning I did receive a lot of
questions in my inbox, and to be honest I did not
know many answers, but over the last 2 yea
Edward Vreeburg Jul 30, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? @Linga 5B [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: Yes, but what if the
asker is a $0.01 translator? How can he or she
afford $1 for a simple question then?
[/quote] Well, if they want to compete with
Edward Vreeburg Jul 30, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? @Frances I know you can sometimes be surprised by a few
lines of legal text. What I generally do is offer
that as a small job to a specialist colleage...,
but I'm talking about people who ask a lot
Edward Vreeburg Jul 29, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? @ Jeff: I think we have a winner! I would be happy to
pay a $1 when I'm desperately looking for an
answer... Ed
Edward Vreeburg Jul 29, 2009
Dutch Online staal- en metaalterminologie gezocht heb ik voor je! kan ik het
mailen?? NL_FR_D_EN_SP Ed (eeeh het is
dus niet online maar gewoon XLS)

[Edited at
2009-07-29 14:05 GMT]
Edward Vreeburg Jul 29, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? @ Nicole: Fortunately I do not TRANSLATE INTO German myself,
but I outsource it to a very qualified collegue of
mine... ...and if I think I can help I will offer
my suggestions.. ...I will not tak
Edward Vreeburg Jul 29, 2009
KudoZ Kudoz abuse or rotten apples? I normally only check the Kudoz questions when I
am not so busy, but recently I see a lot of
questions by the same people...and not jusst one
or two, but literally dozens ! I know the
Edward Vreeburg Jul 29, 2009
Translation in Canada Attention, people in Canada whose identity was stolen by another freelance portal it's not about egos It's about theft of a large part of the database,
and with my details readily available in Ukrane
not far removed from hacking into my credit card
details which are also "somewhere out the
Edward Vreeburg Jul 28, 2009
Money matters rate for Chinese translation Select Jobs - rates in the menu From the Poz Home page, select Jobs -
Rates... (this might be only for Proz
members).. Otherwise think of the
following: Total income = total working days *
number of words per da
Edward Vreeburg Jul 27, 2009
CAT Tools Technical Help Problem with Word and Trados/Wordfast could be a lot of things Seems like you already did the most sensible
things. Are you still facing the
problem? Maybe something was updated
automatically on your machine (Antivirus,
firewall?) Try and tur
Edward Vreeburg Jul 24, 2009
Getting established Looking for recommendations for a new translator Here are some ideas: 1) Yes you can aplly anywhere if you want, even
without diplomas and experience, as long as you
can provide good quality translations, you might
not be selected right away, but at least
Edward Vreeburg Jul 22, 2009
Money matters Living in Eurozone, working for UK agency - any experience? Sure do! Some of my best clients are from the UK, and I do
loose some in exchange rates if they pay me in
GBP, of with international transfers, or even with
Paypal, but that is "operating costs", i
Edward Vreeburg Jul 22, 2009 job systems Illegal use of data from profile Found my details and they where removed within 24 hours I responded yesterday afternoon using the webform
on their site and a little threatening language +
fake email address. My details where removed this
morning already... Ed
Edward Vreeburg Jul 22, 2009
French Localisation? Bof - pas tres differentes (Sorry in English): If you provide good
translations, you do not only translate what it
reads, but you tranfer the meaning of what they
want to so to your language for the audience they
Edward Vreeburg Jul 17, 2009
Dutch Vertalen en LinkendIn eeeh vrijwillige brandweer is een betaalde baan.... ipv een bordje "deze brand werd geblust door
Jansen, J, Pietersen P.,..." of "Voor branden
bellen we: Jansen, J"... ...en de vrijwillige
brandweer en beroepsrandweer zitten zelden
Edward Vreeburg Jul 8, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice On the importance/requirement of being native speaker native matters! Very simple example: In the Netherlands "we"
speak Dutch. In Belgium they also speak Dutch
(often referred to "Flemish") The language used
is 99% identical. Still I (and probabaly ab
Edward Vreeburg Jul 6, 2009
Money matters Did I miss something? any chance of a filter? Maybe a nice feature would be to install a filter
called "budget" and then compare them to the
prices in de profiles.. This allows clients to
see how many translators will be notified f
Edward Vreeburg Jul 6, 2009
Dutch Hoe staan de zaken? hahahaha! [quote]Rifraf wrote: [quote] Heel eerlijk: ik
heb er wel eens moeite mee als ik zie wat een
vertaler verdient, terwijl ik weet dat zij alleen
de vertaling maken, misschien hooguit nog e
Edward Vreeburg Jul 3, 2009
Teaching and Learning Languages Best options to learn French to advance level well the easiest would be To accept a job in France,... it's amazing how
quick you'll pick up the language...
Edward Vreeburg Jul 2, 2009
Money matters How do I invoice my international customers when I myself live abroad long-term? probably best to hire a tax consultant.. ... we are "only" translators... So for tax
advise maybe it's best to check with the chamber
of commerce or a tax advisor... Or the Swedisch
trade office in China === Ed
Edward Vreeburg Jul 2, 2009
Dutch Hoe staan de zaken? De waan van crisis Natuurlijk, er zijn best vertaalbureaus waar het
water aan de lippen staat, maar is dat slecht?? We
gaan er voor het gemak even van uit dat de zeer
goede (en dure) bureaus het wel redden,
Edward Vreeburg Jul 2, 2009
Dutch Hoe staan de zaken? Your quote has been received.. Dat moet toch genoeg zijn? ... Toen ik "Vroegah"
nog wel een solliciteerde op een gewone baan kreeg
ik vaak niet eens een antwoord met "we hebben uw
brief ontvangen". Met Proz en Freel
Edward Vreeburg Jul 1, 2009
Money matters Sweatshop rates worked for 9 months and still not experienced? [quote]Michelle Plaistow wrote: I can assure you
that they do in fact refuse. [/quote] Some
do, dome don't, if the agency absolutely needs to
translate something for a client and t
Edward Vreeburg Jul 1, 2009
Money matters Sweatshop rates let's take a second look at that.... Sweatshops offer fresh translators the chance to
gain some experience or Sweatshops exploit
newbies at rates which are far below the market
price.. So as long as there are new
Edward Vreeburg Jul 1, 2009
Money matters Sweatshop rates Just say "NO" Why would I want to work for 33% less, simply
because "they" cannot afford it? Sure if it's a
manual for something makde "there", I can see
"their" point (although they must have done
Edward Vreeburg Jul 1, 2009
Dutch Hoe staan de zaken? het blijft druk... Ik zie wel een daling van sommige van mijn oude
klanten (voormarktonderzoeksbureaus, toerisme - de
eenvoudige kant van vertalen, en een groei van de
technisch / financiële markt (in ieder
Edward Vreeburg Jul 1, 2009
Dutch verboden prijsafspraken doen we dat al niet... Ik heb nog nooit iemand bij Proz horen zeggen,
vandaag ga ik lekker met mijn prijzen stunten, dus
ik denk dat de mensen die hier reageren wel een
redelijk tarief blijven rekenen... Maar
Edward Vreeburg Jul 1, 2009
Getting established I need advice on becoming a full-time translator. it takes about a year to establish any business It should take about 6 -12 months for you to get
sufficient work (with ups and downs) to get a
proper business going and make enough money to
live on (comofrtably) unless you score some bi
Edward Vreeburg Jun 29, 2009
Money matters Tax on a purchase order Likely NO VAT there are a few options: 1. This is
intra-community delivery (you are both businesses
- you are in the UK, they are in Germany) you
should not charge VAY 2. they are not a
Edward Vreeburg Jun 26, 2009

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