Requirements for freelancers

The 3 parts explained

01 Translation ability

A screening process has been developed in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the EN 15038 standard for quality in translation. For translators, various means are used to confirm the "competences" called for in EN 15038, including verification of credentials that applicants have earned from associations around the world, such as the American Translator Association (USA), the Chartered Institute of Linguists (UK). (Sample translation, peer/client review and other data may be considered in the review process, especially in language pairs and areas in which tested credentials may not be as readily accessible.)

02 Business reliability

The second requirement for admittance into the program is business reliability. This is assessed through a combination of peer review, client review and consideration of relevant data from the database. In the case of companies, track record both as a supplier and as a buyer may be considered. Once admitted to the program, participants must maintain good track records in order to remain in the program.

03 Good citizenship

The third requirement for admittance into the program is "good citizenship". Participants must endorse and act in a manner consistent with the professional guidelines, they must accept the terms and conditions of program participation, and they must contribute to the upkeep of the program by remaining in good standing as members, in terms of membership fees, profile data, and adherence with site and program rules and regulations.

An excerpt from the EN 15038 standard for quality in the translation industry

3.2.2 Professional competences of translators

Translators shall have at least the following competences.

  1. Translating competence
  2. Linguistic and textual competence in the source language and the target language
  3. Research competence, information acquisition and processing
  4. Cultural competence
  5. Technical competence

The above competences should be acquired through one or more of the following:

  • formal higher education in translation (recognised degree);
  • equivalent qualification in any other subject plus a minimum of two years of documented experience in translating;
  • at least five years of documented professional experience in translating.

Note: professional membership is required for admittance into the Certified PRO Network for freelance translators and business membership is required for businesses; beyond that, there is no additional charge for participation.

Your PRO status
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By the numbers

Screening for the network is now continuous. To date there are:

4758 Certified PRO freelancers

What people are saying

I'm very honored and I hope that this new initiative will be useful both for us translators, and for our clients.

It's a great opportunity. Let's make the most of it and avoid any risk to spoil it.

Thank you so much for accepting my application to join this network.