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Poll: User-friendly and Competitive on the market: which CAT Tool is the best choice?
Thread poster: Staff
Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:24
Member (2014)
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MemoQ Feb 23, 2016

Trados is like Like Internet Explorer: A Pioneer, with lots of advertinsing and heavy marketing, so most people who want to start in the CAT world will likely chose Trados in any research. Then they get used to it. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox had a hard time entering the market, but those who switched never used I. Explorer again.

I tried Trados twice, with a 5-year interval between the trials. The first time, I hated it, and I figured using a CAT tool was useless. I stayed mo
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Trados is like Like Internet Explorer: A Pioneer, with lots of advertinsing and heavy marketing, so most people who want to start in the CAT world will likely chose Trados in any research. Then they get used to it. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox had a hard time entering the market, but those who switched never used I. Explorer again.

I tried Trados twice, with a 5-year interval between the trials. The first time, I hated it, and I figured using a CAT tool was useless. I stayed more than two years without a CAT, until a friend convinced me to try MemoQ. Then I bought it and started using it regularly. I figured the bad impression I had with Trados only applied to Trados.

Two years later, a client required Trados, and I installed it again (2105). They said the new versions were a lot better, etc. etc. As soon as I finished the job, I removed it from my computer, and this time I'm sure: I'll neve use Trados again. There is nothing Trados does that MemoQ doesn't do faster, better, and with 30% of all the buttons, tabs, functions, etc. that Trados has.

But marketing is very effective in our world, so people are reluctant to try other CATs.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:24
Member (2006)
German to English
OOpps Feb 23, 2016

Mario Freitas wrote:

There is nothing Trados does that MemoQ doesn't do faster, better, and with 30% of all the buttons, tabs, functions, etc. that Trados has.

But marketing is very effective in our world, so people are reluctant to try other CATs.

Bit of personal opinion!
It is the other way around for me. Maybe you ought to use it more often and then make such a statement?

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:24
English to Spanish
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Handwritten scanned PDFs Feb 23, 2016

DianeGM wrote:

= no idea.
I've only used two of the tools and I prefer one of those.
I have one major client who insists on the other one and so I have and use that too, but it wouldn't be my first choice.
I invested in my CAT tools when the market was much smaller, one of the tools was originally freeware.

@ Jon Hedemann - I am not Luddite or anything - but I don't use a CAT for all my work - this is changing slowly, but very slowly. I handle a large volume of medical translation which still arrives as handwritten scanned pdfs. No CAT tool I know of can offer me anything there.

A 1/3 of my annual work is medical reports for protocol studies, all in handwritten, sometimes typed scanned PDF files. And I use Deja Vu X3 for the translation part. So, how does he do it?

I invested in Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium EnglishSpanish, version 12 three years ago. I also invested in an Audio Technica AT2020 USB cardioid microphone, which is professional level.

Step 1: I transcribe those scanned PDF files onto Word files using DNS v. 12 as indicated. I dictate the PDF content onto a Word file.
Step 2: I process the Word file(s) in Deja Vu X3, use my termbase and translation memories.


DianeGM  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
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@ Mario Feb 23, 2016

For the handwritten medical texts, I use Dragon too, but I just translate to target using my own templates.
I never thought of transcribing the source
Does that really still work out more efficiently for you?

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm going to look into it

Elena Mordenti
Elena Mordenti  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:24
German to Italian
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Other Feb 23, 2016

I use Omega T but I'd like Trados too.

Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:24
German to English
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Other Feb 23, 2016

I said Other because I have only ever used Trados and Wordfast and I stopped using Wordfast years ago. I'd like to try working with another one but it is not worthwhile investing in one as I mainly work with agencies and they usually ask for Trados.

I agree with Mario Freitas on the marketing. That's why Trados has such a dominant position on the market. I resent this dominance.

[Bearbeitet am 2016-02-23 16:17 GMT]

Cetacea  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:24
English to German
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Sorry to baffle you, Jon, Feb 23, 2016

...but most of my translations are highly specialized life science (research) texts, which tend to be rather non-repetitive, you know. And why it should be appalling to remember the very few recurring phrases by heart without the help of any tool other than one's brain, I honestly don't know.

Jon Hedemann wrote:
It is probably a sign of those 48% (or so) of users, who still don't use CAT software (which is baffling/appalling, in my humble opinion).

P.S. You don't need a CAT tool to build glossaries, either.

Dani Karuniawan
Dani Karuniawan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:24
English to Indonesian
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Really? Feb 23, 2016 Staff wrote:

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "User-friendly and Competitive on the market: which CAT Tool is the best choice?".

This poll was originally submitted by Ketty Federico. View the poll results »

It is surprising me! I thought Trados share was 99.99%, because it occupied Proz forum! It turns out less than 50%.

I use CAT only for projects, which are sufficient with tight-translation techniques. To be honest, CAT tools are useless for projects, which demand more translation techniques and analyses, such as localization, copy writing, creative translation, and the like. I don't use any CAT tool for complex projects. Just open and pour my ideas into Microsoft Word, PAINT, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

[Edited at 2016-02-23 18:13 GMT]

Laura Bazzana
Laura Bazzana  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:24
English to Spanish
Haven't tried all of them Feb 23, 2016

But I've never been able to fully get the hang of Trados. MemoQ has always been super user-friendly to me, I've purchased the 2015 version and it's simply amazing.

Laura Bazzana
Laura Bazzana  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:24
English to Spanish
That's great Feb 23, 2016

Mario Chavez wrote:

DianeGM wrote:

= no idea.
I've only used two of the tools and I prefer one of those.
I have one major client who insists on the other one and so I have and use that too, but it wouldn't be my first choice.
I invested in my CAT tools when the market was much smaller, one of the tools was originally freeware.

@ Jon Hedemann - I am not Luddite or anything - but I don't use a CAT for all my work - this is changing slowly, but very slowly. I handle a large volume of medical translation which still arrives as handwritten scanned pdfs. No CAT tool I know of can offer me anything there.

A 1/3 of my annual work is medical reports for protocol studies, all in handwritten, sometimes typed scanned PDF files. And I use Deja Vu X3 for the translation part. So, how does he do it?

I invested in Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium EnglishSpanish, version 12 three years ago. I also invested in an Audio Technica AT2020 USB cardioid microphone, which is professional level.

Step 1: I transcribe those scanned PDF files onto Word files using DNS v. 12 as indicated. I dictate the PDF content onto a Word file.
Step 2: I process the Word file(s) in Deja Vu X3, use my termbase and translation memories.


Amazing. I'm sure it takes time but that's a great way to solve your problem. I've used Dragon Naturally Speaking in the past and I'd definiely recommend it.

[Edited at 2016-02-23 20:01 GMT]

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:24
English to Spanish
+ ...
Yes, it does Feb 23, 2016

DianeGM wrote:

For the handwritten medical texts, I use Dragon too, but I just translate to target using my own templates.
I never thought of transcribing the source
Does that really still work out more efficiently for you?

Thanks for the suggestion, I'm going to look into it

Sometimes I use portions of past English translations as templates, especially when they involve forms. Many times, a nursing station report is devilishly long and has about 15-20 columns with daily takes of vital signs and stuff.

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:24
Member (2014)
English to Portuguese
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Of course it's a personal opinion! Feb 25, 2016

Michael Harris wrote:

Mario Freitas wrote:

There is nothing Trados does that MemoQ doesn't do faster, better, and with 30% of all the buttons, tabs, functions, etc. that Trados has.

But marketing is very effective in our world, so people are reluctant to try other CATs.

Bit of personal opinion!
It is the other way around for me. Maybe you ought to use it more often and then make such a statement?

Could I possibly post someone else's opinion?
I have tried it twice. I'm not saying this without knowledge of it. If you like Trados, keep using it. It's your choice, of course. But if I don't like it, I don't use it. Then there is a forum where people have a space to post their opinion. Then there is always someone who says "but this is a personal opinion!" Duuuuh!

[Edited at 2016-02-25 05:15 GMT]

Elodie Bonnafous
Elodie Bonnafous
Local time: 12:24
Member (2009)
German to French
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Many are good, but one is definitely the worst: Star Transit Mar 3, 2016

I use Trados, Wordfast Pro, MemoQ, Memsource, Across etc.
I can't say if Trados IS THE BEST CHOICE, but it is my personal favorite, but others are good too.

Anyway, the worst CAT tool is definitely Transit.
It's use is complicated, illogical and often makes no sense.
I no longer accept Transit jobs.

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Poll: User-friendly and Competitive on the market: which CAT Tool is the best choice?

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