Working languages:
Portuguese to Romanian
French to Romanian
English to Romanian

Laura Fevrier
Qualified, 12 years' experience

Junglinster, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg
Local time: 12:15 CEST (GMT+2)

Native in: Romanian 
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***I'm currently unavailable for any freelance work***

I worked for two years as an inhouse translator (PT<>RO) and cultural event organizer for the Portuguese Embassy in Romania, which gave me first hand translation experience in areas such as diplomacy, Government, economics, education etc.

Alongside, I have been working independently as a translator from English, French and Portuguese into Romanian and as a teacher of Portuguese language at the University of Bucharest and at the Ariel Centre in Bucharest.

Since February 2005 I have been translating documents for important Portuguese Construction Companies that are bidding for contracts in Romania.

Between October 2006 and February 2010 I worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures. I taught Portuguese as a Foreign Language, Portuguese Morphology, History of Portuguese Language and Romance Linguistics.

At present: full-time freelance translator

"Vimos por este meio agradecer a forma competente e responsável com a qual lidou, desde o princípio, com todo este processo, pelo que de futuro continuaremos, certamente, a contar com a sua colaboração." (Construções Amândio Carvalho, S.A /Construções Gabriel A. S. Couto, S.A., Portugal)
"Madame Laura FEVRIER a effectué la traduction du cours d'Hygiène Alimentaire Français en Anglais avec beaucoup de pertinence et de précision. La difficulté était de respecter la présentation PowerPoint avec des phrases précises et concises, des termes très spécialisés, techniques et scientifiques. Le travail fourni par Mme Laura FEVRIER a été très fiable et a permis l'utilisation immédiate du cours en face à face avec les stagiaires non francophones, ce qui nous a procuré un grand gain de temps." (Dynergis SARL, France)
"Multumim pentru colaborarea buna pe care am avut-o pentru acest proiect. Consider ca ai lucrat profesionist si ca ti-ai luat numai acele obligatii pe care le puteai indeplini. Mi-ar face placere sa mai lucram impreuna." (Larive Romania)
“Mrs. Laura Février is an excellent professional, very devoted to her work and thoroughly respecting the procedures and the specificity of the appointed projects. She has a client and result-oriented attitude, always proactive and accomplishing her tasks with high efficiency and work quality.” *(Valmo Transconstruti, Romania)
Please visit also, a language project for which I provided voice recording.