What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translation of consolidated financial statements, English into Dutch, around 30,000 words... Rolling up my sleeves...


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Text on the transition from LIBOR to alternative reference rates and how this affects certain financial products, English into Dutch, around 1200 words, for a global asset manager


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

A perspective on the equity markets by a global asset manager, ENG -> NL, 7,000+ words,... Love this stuff


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Working on a quarterly report for an asset manager (English into Dutch, around 4,500 words)… and simultanuously managing kids' online work flow for school… I have no doubts about which one is the tougher job...


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Spanish into Dutch translation of sports related text (5,000 words)


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

An RFP for a major asset manager - 4.000+ words from English into Dutch


I Do That

  • Englisch > Niederländisch
  • Finance
Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

QC'ing the En -> NL translation of an operator's manual for the medical field... and almost starting my long weekend...


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

A French into Dutch quality check of a translation on Human Resources


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

A French into Dutch translation of a fund review


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Quality control of finance related texts, English -> Dutch


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

My weekly Dutch into Spanish translation for a Dutch horticulture company...


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

English into Dutch translation of Code of Conduct for German company specialized in energy supply, trading and logistics; around 10k words


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

English into Dutch translation of research study for new medicine (around 3.500 words) for one of my favourite clients ;)


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Revision of the translation of a Fund merger notice (EN -> NL) for one of my best clients


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Dutch into Spanish translation of marketing texts for a horticulture company based in the Netherlands (new client)


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Revision of the internal magazine for employees of a Belgian chocolate maker... A sweet quarterly assignment... ;)


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Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Financial statements of UK clothing brand (English->Dutch), 25k words, to be delivered next Thursday... Working now on previously accepted assignments to make room for this big project!


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

European legislation on technical requirements for fuel used in civil aviation (9k with Trados - ES->NL)


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Now working on English - Dutch translation of user interface for client from auomobile industry, around 2300 words


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Delivered English - Dutch marketing translation for e-bike, around 1600 words; English - Dutch financial review, around 2000 words


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Delivered English - Dutch cosmetics text, around 500 words


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Delivered French - Dutch financial translation, 186 words


I Do That

Lotte Bulckens posting from ProZ.com shared:

Delivered a legal contract, French - Dutch, early this morning; now working on various texts, English - Spanish and English/French - Dutch for my favourite clients from the financial industry ;)


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