Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 27 '09 eng>eng business are business vs. business is business business is business easy closed ok
4 Dec 8 '08 eng>eng custody care/responsibility easy closed no
4 Aug 25 '08 eng>eng my trousers have barely dried any number of things... would help to know more background... but... easy closed no
- May 8 '08 eng>eng Member non recourse debt minimum gain the guaranteed minimum gain the member will achieve on non-recourse debt easy open no
- Apr 24 '08 eng>eng follow up on pursue the matter of easy closed no
4 Sep 19 '07 eng>eng comp'd yes, complimentary easy closed no
4 Aug 31 '07 eng>eng well-based platform businesses based on the web rather than so-called "brick and mortar" establishments easy closed ok
- Aug 30 '07 eng>eng Washing up "washing" would usually refer to laundry, not dishes.. easy closed ok
4 Aug 21 '07 eng>eng in the open / high hairdo she had big hair.... easy closed no
4 Jun 23 '07 eng>eng Don't think, Bob, that I'd have you give up racing. Don think Bob that I would want you to give up racing easy closed ok
- Sep 19 '06 eng>eng the not needing so much as a wish they no longer have to strive for what they need, but rather for want they want... easy closed ok
4 Sep 4 '06 eng>eng are used TO are used to easy closed no
4 Aug 25 '06 eng>eng *for today enter * if the date is today... easy closed no
- Aug 23 '06 eng>eng ..... to ........ agree with my colleagues... easy closed ok
- Aug 8 '06 eng>eng caught her glance out of the corner of his eye saw in his periphery vision that she was looking at him easy closed ok
4 Jul 20 '06 eng>eng protocol (here) regimen dictated by the study easy closed no
- Jul 9 '06 eng>eng in that in that is, more or less, "since" and doesn't really fit your context easy closed no
4 Mar 10 '06 eng>eng alarm bells should go off if it isn't at least in contention the folks in Fairfield should start worrying if GE isn't among the top candidates for most admired.. easy closed no
- Jan 15 '06 eng>eng fl.oz. fluid ounce easy closed ok
- Nov 22 '05 eng>eng GPA CR yes, grade point average credits easy closed ok
4 Oct 24 '05 eng>eng banglow is right word or bunglow? neither... it's bungalow easy closed no
- Oct 23 '05 eng>eng snuffed it exactly... died... kicked the bucket, etc... easy closed no
4 Oct 20 '05 eng>eng plainwrap sedan unmarked easy closed no
- Oct 10 '05 eng>eng forever poorer permanently less wealthy easy closed ok
- Oct 9 '05 eng>eng hair peg? hair clips and hair bands easy closed no
- Oct 9 '05 eng>eng Please find an adj. to fill in xxx finicky; very selective; demanding easy closed no
4 Sep 29 '05 eng>eng part of sentence not taking into account the illustrations they may [but are not required] to provide easy closed no
- Sep 27 '05 eng>eng Descriptive descriptive is not a synonym for description, at least not in U.S. English easy closed no
- Sep 26 '05 eng>eng kicked the major out a major [military officer] must have been living in the Palance... easy closed no
4 Sep 10 '05 eng>eng around here in this country; in this region; in this company; in this neighborhood easy closed no
- Jul 7 '05 eng>eng and above no easy closed ok
4 Jul 4 '05 eng>eng recycle (here) most likely in the environmental sense easy closed no
- Jun 7 '05 eng>eng individual material contributions of material by individuals easy closed ok
- Jun 3 '05 eng>eng Doreen spoke? Doreen (a girl's name) used a code language when she talked on her Voice over Internet Protocol ... easy closed no
4 Jun 2 '05 eng>eng "in" or "on" the second semester in the second half easy closed ok
- Apr 13 '05 eng>eng question (following are) some of the software programs we use... easy closed no
4 Apr 12 '05 eng>eng personal pronouns Agree that personal pronouns should be avoided when possible... easy closed no
- Mar 23 '05 eng>eng between 1999 to 2004 it does... but easy closed ok
- Mar 18 '05 eng>eng financial financiero easy closed no
- Mar 18 '05 eng>eng crisis-ridden period buffeted by several crises easy closed no
3 Mar 18 '05 eng>eng credit notice a blurb of acknowledgement... easy closed no
- Mar 18 '05 eng>eng credit notice nota de reconocimiento [de los patrocinadores] easy closed no
- Mar 16 '05 eng>eng debit the Company pays the Licensee... easy closed no
- Mar 15 '05 eng>eng trick photo? yes, exactly, trick photo easy just_closed no
4 Mar 15 '05 eng>eng that or those including the Boards of XXX, YYY and ZZZ; those easy closed no
4 Mar 14 '05 eng>eng Ring a Sale to ring up a sale on the cash register easy closed no
- Feb 14 '05 eng>eng an environmental and wildlife protection NGO an NGO engaged in environmental and wildlife protection; an NGO focusing on... easy closed ok
- Feb 14 '05 eng>eng uncalled capital capital that has been subscribed but for which no capital call has yet been issued easy closed no
- Feb 13 '05 eng>eng help with sentence sixteen of them American, the other two foreigners easy closed ok
- Feb 11 '05 eng>eng eliciting stimulating; bringing out easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered