Translation glossary: Ana CBW

Showing entries 1-50 of 450
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"abstractor"funcionario que expide extractos de títulos 
English to Spanish
"La cuarta trebeliánica"the fourth part of an estate to be deducted by the fiduciary heir, who holds it in trust for another 
Spanish to English
"Registrese, notifiquese y ejecutoriada que sea la presente, librese oficio al..Let these presents be filed and notified, having become final, let an official communication be issued 
Spanish to English
"técnica jurídica"legal technique/procedural technique 
Spanish to English
"title searcher"Estudio de títulos 
English to Spanish
"tráfico de influencias"exercise of undue influence/influence peddling 
Spanish to English
'Doy fe'To all of which I attest 
Spanish to English
(testigo) de referenciahearsay witness 
Spanish to English
...competente para resolver en esta instancia de conformidad con.... (ver)competent to decide 
Spanish to English
1 % Sil Nitnitrato de plata al 1 % 
English to Spanish
5 and 5 lapsing powersPoderes caducables (de tipo) 5 y 5 
English to Spanish
7.9x7.9x (dejar igual) 
English to Spanish
a cuenta de dividendoson account of dividends 
Spanish to English
a favor (en contexto)issued to 
Spanish to English
a la orden del diato be widespread/an everyday occurrence/frequent/common/usual 
Spanish to English
a solicitud del otorgante le leí lo que antecedein witness thereof, upon request of the executing party, I read the preceding document.. 
Spanish to English
a titulo deas/ by way of 
Spanish to English
A.P.F.Audiencia Preparatoria (Fecha): date of pre-trial hearing 
Spanish to English
Abbreviation: "Pn"Criminal Code/Penal 
Spanish to English
accion cambiaria directadirect collection action 
Spanish to English
acknowledgment of service formformulario de acuse de recibo de la demanda (aceptándola oficialmente) 
English to Spanish
acreditivosletters of credit 
Spanish to English
ACTA DE INICIO (de procedimiento administrativo)initial record/opening record 
Spanish to English
action in contract or in tortya sea una acción derivada del contrato o por ilícito civil 
English to Spanish
actuaciones caratuladasproceedings/case entitled 
Spanish to English
actuaciones previaspreliminary proceedings/pre-trial (stage of) proceedings 
Spanish to English
acusación particularprivate prosecution/private prosecutor/the counts on the indictment prepared by the private prosecu- 
Spanish to English
adaptó sus estatutosadapted its Articles of Association (or bylaws) 
Spanish to English
Administración General del EstadoCivil Service/ Crown officers 
Spanish to English
Adopted as holographConsiderada como hológrafa (de mi puño y letra) 
English to Spanish
adopter childless statussin necesidad de acreditar su (sin estar sujeto a la ) condición de adoptante sin hijos 
English to Spanish
agencia de encomiendascourier company 
Spanish to English
agraviadoinjured party, the party that has suffered injury/loss 
Spanish to English
Agrupación Temporal de Empresastemporary consortium / joint venture 
Spanish to English
al tercero en discordiathird arbitrator/referee/umpire/mediator 
Spanish to English
all and singulartodos (y cada uno) 
English to Spanish
all that land situate in Floridael terreno sito en Florida 
English to Spanish
amparo de cascoaircraft hull coverage 
Spanish to English
analisis dominical y descartestitle search and title clearing 
Spanish to English
antes, hoyformerly, previously, before/now 
Spanish to English
application towards...solicitud (o petici�n) relativa a la decisi�n 
English to Spanish
are fully International in scopetienen alcance internacional 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
assistant authentication officerFuncionario adjunto de legalizaciones 
English to Spanish
at a Trial Term, Part 40, of this courten (o durante) período de juicio (o de sesiones), Sala 40, de este Juzgado... (Part en este contexto es Sala) 
English to Spanish
ATENTOIn view of/ considering 
Spanish to English
ATMActive Team Member 
Spanish to English
Auditoria General de la NacionNational General Auditing Office 
Spanish to English
Auditoria General de la NacionNational General Auditing Office 
Spanish to English
autorizante (Esta autorizante da fe que el documento ...) en certificación de firmaauthorizing Notary 
Spanish to English
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