Translation glossary: Jorge Rodrigues

Showing entries 1-50 of 757
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"Agreementual timetable"cronograma contratual 
English to Portuguese
"AS-IS" AND "AS-AVAILABLE" BASIS"no estado" e "conforme a disponibilidade" 
English to Portuguese
"Decision re"decisão referente a 
English to Portuguese
"Precedente do c.""Precedent from the distinguished" 
Portuguese to English
"prolatado" e "autos""rendered" and "case records" 
Portuguese to English
"Que furada!""What a mess!" 
Portuguese to English
(bibliographic) citationcitação (bibliographic) 
English to Portuguese
(bibliographic) citationcitação (bibliográfica) 
English to Portuguese
(The Rt Rev Mgr) name(Reverendíssimo Monsenhor) nome 
English to Portuguese
... at temperature and resulting viscosity suitable ...... à temperatura e viscosidade resultante adequadas para ... 
English to Portuguese
...shall forthwith pay to the Owner the amount of underpayment....pagará imediatamente ao proprietário o valor pago a menor. 
English to Portuguese
1 alqueire paulista2,42 hectares 
Portuguese to English
11 and 12 grades2ª e 3ª Séries do Ensino Médio 
English to Portuguese
147.689 millones147,689 million (UK) / 147.689 billion (USA) 
Spanish to English
2310g 120 Hz 2D/3D LCD MonitorMonitor LCD 2D/3D de 120 Hz e 2,31 kg 
English to Portuguese
3.a série do 2.0 grau12th Grade of (Senior) High School 
Portuguese to English
5ª vara do Juizado Empresarial5th Business Court 
Portuguese to English
a baixa contabil intempestiva .....untimely accounting write-off 
Portuguese to English
a fiscally sound operationuma operação sólida do ponto de vista fiscal (tributário) 
English to Portuguese
A jury was waivedHouve renúncia a julgamento por júri 
English to Portuguese
a máquina referida nos autossuch as the machine referred to (or mentioned in) the case records 
Portuguese to English
a sociedade obriga-sethe company shall be bound by the signature of the manager 
Portuguese to English
a/m limit / aforementioned limitlimite supramencionado/mencionado acima 
English to Portuguese
Ação de CobrançaCollection Lawsuit 
Portuguese to English
ação de partilha de herançapetition for distribution of inheritance 
Portuguese to English
Ação PopularCitizen Suit / Citizen Lawsuit 
Portuguese to English
abono salarialspecial salary raise 
Portuguese to English
abra-se vistaallow the case records to be examined 
Portuguese to English
acórdão condenatórioconvicting judgment 
Portuguese to English
access logsregistros de acesso / logs de acesso 
English to Portuguese
Accounts Payable(Departamento de) Contas a Pagar 
English to Portuguese
acervo técnicotechnical expertise 
Portuguese to English
acknowledged to me that he executed the samereconheceu perante mim haver firmado (assinado) o mesmo 
English to Portuguese
Acompanhar (processos judiciais)To follow up (lawsuits) 
Portuguese to English
actor consagradoacclaimed actor 
Spanish to English
aditá-loamend it 
Portuguese to English
Administração de Empresas com Ênfase em MarketingBusiness Administration with a Major in Marketing 
Portuguese to English
Advertising practitionerpublicitário / profissional de publicidade 
English to Portuguese
aeronave de asas rotativasrotorcraft 
Portuguese to English
ageing hallcâmara de envelhecimento 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
agravo de petiçãoappeal against judgement / interlocutory appeal 
Portuguese to English
Agravo regimental no agravo do instrumentoa regulatory appeal in a bill of review 
Portuguese to English
agrotóxicosagrochemicals / toxic agrochemicals 
Portuguese to English
aiamaid / chambermaid 
Portuguese to English
alíquotaaliquot / sample 
Portuguese to English
alfabetizaçãoliteracy (teaching) 
Portuguese to English
all his equity, both movable and unmovable assetstodo o seu patrimônio, tanto os bens móveis como os (bens) imóveis 
English to Portuguese
Alteram os artigosArticles XXX are amended 
Portuguese to English
ampla, rasa, geral, irretratável e irrevogável quitaçãofull, public, general, unchangeable and irrevocable release 
Portuguese to English
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