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--------------------- ProZ.com Newsletter --------------------- Your ProZ.com username: (See bottom for more details related to your ProZ.com account) Promote yourself - become a member! Join now: http://www.proz.com/join (1) What is in a good tagline? (2) Report to ProZ.com members, 2017 (3) Reach your full potential as a freelance translator (4) Why an agency might stop working with you, by Nikki Graham (5) Confessions of a Freelance Translator, by Gary Smith (6) Upcoming powwows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Question: What is short, to the point, and can help you land your next client? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Question: What is short, to the point, and can help you land your next client? Answer: A good tagline. Your tagline is the only bit of text you can control in directory search results. It is important! No tagline, or a bad tagline, can adversely affect your client contact. You can now add taglines in multiple languages, to better reach the clients you seek, in their languages. ProZ.com paying members can enter taglines in as many languages as they wish (non-members can add a maximum of two). To see details, and also read more on what makes a good tagline, visit: https://www.proz.com/topic/320425 It is also now possible for clients to search for professionals by their tagline. Visit: https://www.proz.com/tagline-search Advertisement ------------------------------------ Buy memoQ 8.2 now, and upgrade to 8.3 - which will be released in December – for free! Sign up at http://www.proz.com/tgb/1136 until 7 December 2017 to take advantage of this offer. Are you new to memoQ? Download the full-featured 45-day trial from http://memoq.com/downloads now! ------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) Report to ProZ.com members, 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ProZ.com site, and all the services, tools, and opportunities it offers, are there thanks to paying members. The report to ProZ.com members for 2017 was published in November. If you have not read it already, you can see what is new and what has been going on at ProZ.com since the last report: https://www.proz.com/topic/320429 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) If you can imagine it for your career, ProZ.com can help you get there ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are an expert in your field, ProZ.com is making it easier for clients to find you. If you are just starting out, ProZ.com is making it easier to get trained, get experience and start working with the clients you want. If you are somewhere in the middle, there is an expanding suite of services at your fingertips to help you reach your full potential as a freelance language professional. If you can imagine it for your career, ProZ.com can help you get there. Until December 15th, you can join the growing number of professionals subscribing to the ProZ.com Plus package, at a discount. Don't miss this opportunity to set yourself up for success in 2018: https://www.proz.com/pages/special-membership-offer Advertisement ------------------------------------ Your style, your wording, your content. Utilize translations quickly and reliably throughout your company. Corporate machine translation powered by STAR MT. Watch the short video for more information on STAR MT functionality and usage: http://youtu.be/vvO1DsUwNKU http://www.star-group.net ------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) 22 more reasons why an agency might stop working with you, by Nikki Graham ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nikki Graham -- https://www.proz.com/translator/21787 -- works in Spanish to English, specializing in the academic, education, wildlife and environment, and travel and leisure fields. She is a long-time ProZ.com member and part of the Certified PRO Network. She was also this year's winner in the "Best blog post" category of the Community choice awards, for her post "22 more reasons why an agency might stop working with you". Read her post and check out her blog in general at: https://nikkigrahamtranix.com/2016/07/31/22-more-reasons-why-an-agency-might-stop-working-with-you/ Advertisement ------------------------------------ Solve the top 4 translation project management challenges Join SDL Trados as we tackle 4 of the most common project management challenges and how technology can help make the difference. 1.Using spreadsheets and email 2.Time pressures 3.Work with complex files 4.Relationship building Learn more - http://sdltrados.com/solving-project-management-challenges ------------------------------------ Advertisement ------------------------------------ SDL Trados - Download chart Stay up to date with our most popular free educational resources created by our community of freelance translators. See the chart and download » http://sdltrados.com/download-chart Black Friday Sale Save 40% off SDL Trados Studio 2017 + get free SDL AutoSuggest Creator. Buy until 30 November » http://www.proz.com/tgb/1138 ------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) Confessions of a Freelance Translator, by Gary Smith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This year's Community choice awards winner for "Best book" was Gary Smith -- https://www.proz.com/translator/757385 -- a Spanish to English translator specializing in mercantile and labor law, environment, economics, science and technical fields. Gary is a ProZ.com member, part of the Certified PRO Network, a trainer, conference attendee, presenter and organizer. His book, "Confessions of a Freelance Translator," is a must-read for those starting out or thinking of moving into professional freelance translation. Check it out here: https://www.proz.com/books/115/Confessions-of-a-Freelance-Translator Advertisement ------------------------------------ The 36-credit MS in Translation, delivers rigorous curricula that prepares you to become an effective professional translator by providing an in-depth overview of translation theory, while addressing the more practical aspects of translation as applied to a variety of professional fields. Apply Today at http://proz.me/NYU2018 ------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (6) Upcoming powwows: Uruguay, Brazil, US, Germany, France, UK, Australia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 2: São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil (5) http://proz.com/powwow/6532 2: Aventura, US (9) http://proz.com/powwow/6413 6: Augsburg, Germany (1) http://proz.com/powwow/6524 7: Edinburgh, UK (37) http://proz.com/powwow/6517 9: Cardiff, UK (16) http://proz.com/powwow/6443 10: Dieulefit , France (4) http://proz.com/powwow/6527 16: Frankfurt, Germany (5) http://proz.com/powwow/6518 16: Santos, Brazil (16) http://proz.com/powwow/6520 January 6: Birmingham, UK (3) http://proz.com/powwow/6529 11: Brisbane, Australia (3) http://proz.com/powwow/6454 Advertisement ------------------------------------ Have fun with CafeTran Espresso 2017 Yeddi. Translate faster and easier with auto-suggestion, auto-assembling, machine translation, all with the connection to KudoZ terminology or your favorite web resources. Accept jobs from clients who use other CAT tools. Download and start using CafeTran Espresso -- for free -- today! http://www.cafetran.com/ ------------------------------------ ============================================================ How good is the tagline in your profile? Is it going to speak to your clients in the directory, help you stand out? Until December! Jared Member services ProZ.com - - - - - - - - - - - Your username: Membership status: Registered user KudoZ: BrowniZ: Wallet balance: $0.10 Your profile: http://www.proz.com/profile/0 - - - - - - - - - - - Forgotten password? http://proz.com/?sp=new_password ================================================================= You are receiving this email message because you signed up for email notifications of this type in your ProZ.com email preferences. 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